Page 59 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 59
This is my second year in Folkstone working in PCRF Shorncliffe before jumping across the corridor into the 1 RGR RAPTCI office. The time has flown by in this remote but busy location. The PCRF is made up of an ERI and two physios which looks after 1 RGR, 3 RGR and a mixture of units around the Kent region. Everything was running smoothly between the MDT and patient numbers were on their way down. Then COVID-19 hit which we had to quickly adapt to, we swiftly went onto telephone consultations which was a challenge at first but manageable. There were still opportunities to see patients on a 1 to 1 basis, as long as it was conducted outside and social distance was maintained. This was critical for both ERI and the physios to make sure the patients were carrying out key movements correctly and progressing in their rehabilitation pathway.
The opportunity came my way to take on the SSI role with 1 RGR as it was currently gapped. I took over the role in July 2020. As I had a good working relationship with the CoC and Gym staff made up of Cpl Anand and LCpl Tara the transition was smooth. As a Unit, we kept a close eye on COVID-19 developments to try and do as much as we could, while adhering to the restrictions in place. Within the gym we boxed off areas for Service Personnel (SP) to train in and as much cleaning equipment the QM’s could spare. We also employed a QR code ‘track and trace’ system. This all worked extremely well and provided a much-needed boost for morale for the troops.
Since September 2020 the gym staff have been fortunate to help plan and coordinate the PT training and testing for the Battalion’s Junior Leader Cadre 2020 and 2021 with over 130 SP now eligible for promotion to LCpl. We also produced and led on the command tasks for both courses.
Moreover, working closely with the Brigade Training Team helping them prepare SP for upcoming Special Forces Selections, Pre Para-Build up training and Pre Brecon-Build up training.
On the 26 December 2020 the Battalion were called out on OP ROSE. Three Sub-Units were formed and deployed to RAF Manston, Dover ferry port and the M20 to carry out COVID-19 Lateral Flow Tests (LFT) on HGV drivers prior to them travelling to the continent. This helped in keeping the traffic
running smoothly and goods arriving at their destination on time. Whilst we were deployed at RAF Manston, 1 RGR was further tasked to start carrying out LFTs to additional places. Another Sub-Unit was quickly formed and tasked with
Army Head coach WO2 (QMSI) C Williams RAPTC, Army coach SSgt (SSI) D Hammond and SSgt (SSI) C Ward RAPTC, running Army Weightlifting Selection Day (Pre-Covid)
providing LFTs at various petrol stations around the country, to test the HGV truck drivers prior to arrival in Kent. We arrived at Aldershot at 22:00hrs on 1 January 2020. We were placed into 4-man teams, signed for our white fleet vehicle and given a postcode for the new testing area. Luckily my team was given a relative short journey to Sutton Scotney Services near Winchester; others had much further to travel through the night, with some teams having to arrive and set up in Carlisle by 06:00hrs. Having these further testing areas for truck drivers, helped take the burden off the Sub-Units in Kent. With the efficient running of these Operations, over 40,000 LFTs were carried out by 1 RGR personnel which helped the country keep vital supply routes open for business.
1 RGR are looking forward to more sporting activities this year with the 1 RGR Champion Company sporting events scheduled for the end of July 2021. The Battalion are also looking forward to competing at Army level in Football, Golf, Volleyball, Taekwondo and Cricket.
In my role as coach and treasurer for British Army Weightlifting I have managed to get in some training sessions for the athletes when restrictions allowed; we have also been monitoring their progress via other means. We were fortunate to have Zoom calls with some of Britain’s top coaches for the athletes and coaches providing good quality CPD sessions. By the summer we are hopeful of
organising some regional competitions leading towards an Army Championship.
If any RAPTCI’s are passing through the Folkestone area you are more than welcome to pop by for brew.
Miler at St Martins Plain for the Brigade of Gurkhas
RGR leading the way
OP Rose testing at RAF Manston