Page 58 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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WO2 (QMSI) S Hawkins RAPTC
Iam now entering my third year at the Army Inspectorate and I can certainly say that 2020 was like no other year in my military career to date.
Despite remote working, throughout the pandemic the Army Inspectorate has continued with several reviews and audits across a wide range of areas.
As an external department to the Army Chain of Command, the Army Inspectorate receives its direction from both the Chief and Deputy Chief of the General Staff on areas that may be considered a weak signal, i.e. could become worse if not dealt with, immediate concern.
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Fire Regulations, Army Estates and Infrastructure, Army Welfare Provision, and an audit of Heat Illness (HI) recommendations pertaining to previous service inquiries and the Inspectorate’s 2018 HI review. At the time of writing, we are conducting a review into Army Cadet Safeguarding.
Personally, being involved in such a varied workload has helped me hugely in understanding how the wider Army and MOD operates outside the world of PT, AT and Sport. As we move into 2021 and hopefully
back to some normality post-COVID, I hope like everyone else to get back out to participate in the various adventure training and sporting events that were postponed in 2020.
During 2020 and early 2021 the Army Inspectorate has completed reviews of the Army versus Navy rugby match, Army
12th Regiment Royal Artillery could not be further from its role during this National pandemic. Predominantly, they specialise in delivering vital Close Support Air Defence to the UK’s
manoeuvre forces, providing protection to critical assets from a range of airborne threats.
Having only taken over the role of Staff Sergeant Instructor (SSI) in August 2020, it was clear to me that the 12th Regiment’s diversity of Physical Training delivery was going to be somewhat challenging. The Regiment is already providing support to Op CABRIT, Op TORAL, along with Op RESCRIPT remaining the focal point on Thorney Island. Maintaining a structured programme was proving a little more complex to that of a training establishment; especially as the Gymnasium was still shut for Group-PT!
It was back to basics, as the Pandemic took hold, utilising the Island to my advantage. Being a Northerner, I am not used to having the beach on the back door and a winter with no snow. Therefore, it wasn’t long until I found my outdoor office; my new “Happy Place”. With a couple of Batteries still continuing to work from the Island my “Happy Place” was the perfect platform for my AAPTI’s (including recently badged LBdr Vuibeqa) and I to continue providing Social Distancing (SD) Physical Training (PT).
Lockdown 2 arrived. Thankfully, (a lesson learnt from Lockdown 1) creating a one-stop Physical Development (PD) Hub on
Defence Connect proved vital for transitioning into Lockdown 2. Especially, for those not aligned to UKRU within the Regiment. However, during this Lockdown I capitalised on ‘Home Fitness Whilst Isolating’ videos; in conjunction with an alternate ‘Lone Soldier Body Weight Programme’ and creating Strava challenges. This, in contrast to the previous Lockdown, where I improvised by conducting Tactical PT for the recruits in my own back garden “Joe Wicks certainly has nothing on me”.
Being part of 12th Regiment and being back with the Gunners in a Staff Sergeant Instructor (SSI) role is far from my original expectations back in 2014 when I was part of a Fire Support Team (FST) in an Observation Post (Op) digging in, in Kenya. Now fully submerged into my Gym-Queen role there’s nothing more than exciting times ahead, other than supporting the Regiment via technology, data capture, bright screens and convincing myself I am as good as those Millennials. I will love nothing more than getting hands on and getting well into the mix with the Regimental battle rhythm when the Pandemic clears. With already planned bi-annual Defence Occupational Fitness Programmes (DOFit) about to begin, planning is underway for a UK based Multi Activity Cycle camp for 7 Air Defence (7AD) in early summer and the return of the Winter Wattbike League. I am hoping this year’s plans will not be cancelled.
SSgt (SSI) D Woolridge RAPTC
Home workout in lockdown LBdr Vuibega receiving his Red belt of power and SSgt (SSI) Woolridge HOTO complete Cross swords to go with his wings and dagger from SSgt (SSI) Boyd RAPTC