Page 57 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 57

                                 HQ 11 INFANTRY BRIGADE AND HQ SOUTH EAST DISTRICT
Capt (MAA) L Davison RAPTC
As I write this MBS submission, the country remains in a COVID-19 Lockdown with no end in sight.
When I arrived in post to reconnect with WO2 (QMSI) Dan Bishop (I was his Class One Instructor many moons ago) we were at the start of the first COVID-19 Lockdown. PD commitments aside we were heavily involved in OP RESCRIPT and managing RSOIs for troops coming in to support MACA Tasks. A very different landscape to the one, I thought, I would be experiencing when returning to a Bde SO3 PD role (re-show!).
In our first planning meeting, Dan and I confirmed many road trips in the UK to visit (socially, PDA and MS) the RAPTCIs and Units, but more exciting was the prospect of visiting our Units overseas in Gibraltar, Brunei and Ireland. However, due to various restrictions placed on us, these were all unfortunately cancelled. I must say, the UK road trips were fun though (even Dans driving), it was great to see our RAPTCIs doing what they do best. The majority made a great brew and hosted us very well. I even got to sample some traditional Gurkha food, which was absolutely beautiful – for those who know me, they know I love my food.
Remember the Fallen
WO2 (QMSI) Dan Bishop RAPTC has been the Bde HQ QMSI now for 2 years, in that time the physical prowess of the Bde Staff has gone from strength to strength. We have tried to make PT fun but challenging to promote attendance, increase MATT 2 stats and educate on a healthy lifestyle. We have competed in various 1
UKXX events and we compete regularly in the UK South Cross- Country league and many other events, however, on 11 Nov 20 the Bde staff undertook their toughest challenge yet as they tried to complete the QMSI’s “Remember the Fallen” physical challenge. This challenge consisted of 11 reps of 11 different exercises completed 11 times
We had over 25 members of the Bde HQ take part in the event, some completing it at home and some as part of a team in work under the strict guidance of Dan. At the start it was very much an enjoyable experience, however, after they reached set 6 there were some tired legs and arms. It took a bit longer than they expected but overall a great way to “Remember the Fallen”, The Bde staff are thoroughly looking forward to what Dan has in store in future sessions.
It has been a very strange year and not one we had planned on. However, I am proud of the 11X RAPTCIs and their abilities to maintain motivation and dedicate themselves to their roles. I have enjoyed my time in 11X, albeit short lived, as I am due to move to Abbeywood in a couple of weeks. Capt (MAA) Jessey will replace me and I hope Lockdown restrictions are lifted, so he can experience the SO3 PD role for what it is! It truly is a great job. Good luck Jess, I am confident Dan will continue to support you as he did with my predecessor (Capt Russ Roberts) and I!
As stated in my emails nowadays – all the best and stay safe!

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