Page 65 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 65
SSgt (SSI) K Feldsmann RAPTC
Iam now six short years into my RAPTC career and find myself fully imbedded in my fourth assignment; 16th Regiment Royal Artillery. After a two-year stint in the Hereford bubble I find it
refreshing to be utilising my PD experience within a very motivated Unit. Although an unsettling and disjointed year the Regiment has maintained a busy schedule participating in multiple taskings both on UK soil and abroad.
The Regiment is currently in a transition period, Rapier FSC is on the way out and the new system, Sky Sabre, is slowly being integrated. Whilst in transition personnel have been deployed on a multitude of diverse tasks ranging from; BFSAI, Op TORAL, Op RESCRIPT, Op DEVERAN, Op FLORIDAN, UK Resilience and Op TEMPERER. Never has it been more important to ensure personnel fitness, health and resilience is kept to a high standard.
After getting my feet in the door it was evident PD had taken a hit during the pandemic, I was immediately thrust into a challenging role. My initial task was to get structured PT implemented; unfortunately, there had not been any structure for quite some time. As restrictions were slowly being eased, I was able to implement the APTS using imaginative ideas while maintaining social distancing, all without the use of a gym facility. After a month or two it was clearly visible that structured PT was taking effect and personnel were improving their overall fitness.
With a PDA on the horizon I took the time to ensure all our practices were above and beyond what is required. One area I highlighted was the Regiment’s tests failures (Lvl 1 PT). With no structure or programme to follow personnel were not being given the opportunity to reach the required standard, thus not allowing them to re-join their peers on Lvl 3 PT. I have always had a hands-on approach to this, it is important that we educate personnel and afford them the best possible tutelage so once released they can fully integrate back into Battery PT with ease. The positive signs of the programme are now evident, just this month four individuals completed their mandated tests allowing them to deploy.
Sabre Training
So, what will the next 12 months look like? Implementation of the RFT to all Non GCC is looming, it is of high importance that we conduct appropriate training ensuring soldiers arrive fully prepared to minimise any risk of MSKIs. SSgt Danny Woolridge (12 Regt RA whom we share the gymnasium with) and I have a vast number of joint projects on the horizon. First up are the Warrior Games Qualifiers where we hope to identify two strong teams to represent the Station in the upcoming finals later this year. The qualifiers also present a great opportunity for commanders to assess their soldier’s mental resilience, leadership and determination whilst being put through events comprising of all components of fitness. It is also important that we continue to improve our soldier’s physical and mental health so a Do-Fit course will be run, followed in short succession by a Station Health Fair as soon as restrictions are lifted. Busy times ahead but I look forward to the challenge.
We currently find ourselves in another national lockdown with group PT suspended due to an outbreak of positive cases, myself included. It is essential that we continue creating innovative ideas using a multitude of platforms to project PD to the wider audience. This is not the time for RAPTCIs to make excuses, it is the perfect opportunity to highlight just how diverse and important we are to our home units. Our ability to implement change for the better is what makes us special and I find it highly rewarding to be able to offer my skillset during these times.
Social Distance Run