Page 66 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 66

Capt (MAA) S Pollock RAPTC - SO3 PD
What a year.....I’m in complete awe and extremely proud to serve the West Midlands RAPTCI fraternity during this pandemic. The manner in which the team have supported their CoC through imaginative and creative means has been truly remarkable. A lot have transformed and engaged with service personnel otherwise non-engaged with PT. The transition to remote working and remote training has been challenging, but they have surpassed every expectation. The praise and plaudits I have received just reinforces the need for a special mention within our Corps heritage and the opportunity to reflect in years to come through our MBS records. Well done team.
Outside of my pride and admiration for the current RAPTCIs, I had been kept busy for nearly 6 months with support Op RESCRIPT. During this period, I found myself initially delivering the RSOI package but then rapidly moved into the NHS space. By the time I had finished my time with the UK Ops team, I was operating as the J3/5 NHS Liaison Cell lead for Mobile Testing Unit for the whole of the West Midlands. This was a complete plunge into the darkness of operational staff work and allowed me to experience and be challenged in other ways. Personally, I felt like I have developed as an individual because of it, but found it extremely rewarding to be assisting with the national effort.
Away from Op RESCRIPT, its been another crazy year, Army recognition on the World stage with Indoor Rowing, being selected as the UK Armed Forces Indoor Rowing lead, being the Project lead for Force Atlantic (heavily rowing based) and the honour of representing the RAPTC at Victory in Japan 75 years on which saw a great side profile of the Pollock nose on the BBC.
Another thoroughly rewarding year in a fantastic role supporting our people. Special thanks must go to WO2 (QMSI) Dean Foley for all his continued support to me and our people.
Five years have now elapsed in post as the Brigade QMSI PD, and Capt (MAA) Pollock RAPTC has now been in post almost two years. The time has just flown past which is very scary. In honesty,
this is a brilliant and highly rewarding position, albeit very busy and challenging in terms of the many outputs we deliver. We have 24 very talented and motivated RAPTCI’s both regular and reserve and an abundance of AAPTI’s that deliver first class PD to their respective units across the West Midlands. The support we provide to them is very well received and valued by the CoC both at Unit and Brigade level alike.
Brigade life continues to be extremely diverse and not just PD focused. No more so than at the start of the COVID19 pandemic, where it became quite apparent it was going to be a very different year and, the most diverse year I have had in my 26 years in the Army. I will never forget the day the HQ 11 Signal & WM Bde Commander Brigadier walked into our office and said, ‘stand by for change’ and that was it, I was sent to work remotely and Capt Pollock moved across the road to support Op Rescript. It stayed like this for the next six months or so.
My main role was to stand in for the SO3 PD on the day to day PD front, the main challenge was all twenty-two Reg & Res units within WM AOR had also gone into lockdown and all were trying to establish a working from home PD strategy. The Lone Soldier Physical Training Programme (LSPTP) was implemented and real- life support was provided by daily meetings via SKYPE. A year on and not much has changed to the WM PD battle rhythm and all meetings and inspections are conducted were possible via SKYPE.
The only saving grace is that SO3PD is now back from Op Rescript and I can go back to being a WOPD. In short, like all other Bde AOR’s we have been providing much needed support to WM units and ensuring the “show must go on” and we are now focused on supporting the role out of the NON GCC RFT(S) later this year. In closing, the role as the Brigade QMSI PD continues to be very rewarding, there is nothing better than providing clarity and guidance to queries from RAPTCIs or Units either via email or over the phone. Just the simple thanks and acknowledgement for taking the time to provide them detailed guidance and support is reward enough for me, and I look forward to doing so for many years to come.
 Capt (MAA) S Pollock RAPTC on parade at the VJ75 Commemoration

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