Page 69 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 69
In 2018 after 22yrs I left the Army & RAPTC finishing my career on a high serving with 3 PARA.
The 2 years that followed were in essence the most difficult of my life to date trying to find my feet in civilian life applying for over 500 jobs receiving a handful of interviews, some of which were unsuccessful due to being over qualified or the misconception of physical training Instructors in the Army by the interviewers. After bouncing from one job to another I soon found myself out of work, my marriage broke down and things were looking extremely bleak.
It was at that point a former RAPTCI and friend SSgt (SSI) Neal Johnson, suggested “have you thought about re-joining” I didn’t even think it was a possibility but if there was a chance to return to the job and life I enjoy, I will give it a shot! I got in contact with my local ACIO and then with anyone I could get hold of in HQ RAPTC to see if they could assist.
I was warmed by the response and within a couple of weeks the process begun; then COVID-19 hit, however this didn’t stop the process and with constant communication between the Nation Recruiting Centre, HQ RAPTC and Jayne Boyle in Glasgow, I found myself attending a Medical in Aug 2020. This followed very shortly by an Assignment Order to 1st Signal Regiment taking over from SSgt (SSI) Carter.
I would like to thank all those within the RAPTC & Jayne Boyle who assisted me in re-joining during what was a difficult time both in and out of the Army.
Graveyard shift in clip!
9 hours to go, a morale boost from my daughter Athena
The Gym turned into bays
SSgt (SSI) ST Irving RAPTC
HO-TO SSgt (SSI) Carter RAPTC handing over to SSgt (SSI) Irving RAPTC
Taking over 1st Signal Regiment amidst the COVID-19 pandemic after 2 years out was a surreal experience, on one hand it felt like I had never left, but on the other it was clear a lot had changed. The gym floor had been converted into bays all with enough PTE to enable the user to train safety, PT outdoors resembled that picture you would see in Fox Gym or the RAPTC Museum.
Delivering PT during a global pandemic was done by turning to technology to provide a means of platforms like Zoom and Skype to deliver PT to a Regiment dispersed and working from home. This has highlighted to the CoC the adaptability of the PD Staff and ability to think outside the box, delivering socially distanced PT via Zoom and various virtual events. The aim was not only to keep the Regiment physically fit but also mentally fit, ready to deploy on OP RESCRIPT supporting the NHS and OP CABRIT in Estonia.
October saw me take on one of my most arduous challenges to date 24hrs on the Stair Master, to raise money for Combat Stress. On Friday 2nd October at 1700 I stepped off only stopping (the clock stopped too) to reset the machine and the obvious call of nature completing the challenge at 1730 on the 3rd having raised over £1,200 and losing a stone in weight!!!
Moving forward 1st Signal Regiment will be moving to Perham Down in July 21; and a new chapter begins for the Regiment; with luck and the combined efforts of the country COVID will be drawing to a close.