Page 70 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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  This is my third year at 30th Signal Regiment and it has been an incredible journey with massive PTE upscaling and improvements throughout the P&RTC and PD.
It has been a strange year, with the disruption from the pandemic however, the PRTC and 30th Signal Regiment have continued to make great strides and improvements to both facilities within the station and PT. Unfortunately, the massive impact of COVID- 19 has affected all forms of PD including Sport, PT and AT. But still the Regiment has been fortunate to procure more PTE and to procure a new 20-foot FOB Box and a 20m boxing ring, which has massively helped in delivering the APTS and been key to the new PT system.
30th Signal Regt is renowned for being an extremely busy but successful operational unit also known as the Globetrotters. Already in my tenure the five various
Sqn’s have deployed to the Middle
East, Germany, Poland, US, Brunei, Cyprus, Gibraltar, China, Mali, Nigeria and the list goes on. The Regiment also have a very high readiness alert state and troops are on a 4, 8 and 12 hours’ notice to move. Most recent being the Op Rescript where troops were instantly deployed with immediate impact to help with Nightingale Hospital projects and helping test civilians in various locations over the UK. To that end it is sometimes quite difficult to capture all Sqn’s especially during Project THOR, where it is even more important to coach Strength and Conditioning in a safe and controlled manner.
With a strong and very supportive CO, who is very passionate about PD with huge support from the Regt 2IC, I was very fortunate in being able to procure new equipment to support Project THOR and get soldiers through their MATT 2 testing protocols according to the FHPI.
The P&RTC has changed its look and
layout to comply with the FHPI with a
Gym POD system being introduced
This meant all 3 parts of the gym were
divided for safety with bespoke PT
equipment placed in each POD. All SP
could access the PODS from 0800-1800. There was a unique online Booking system utilising Defence Connect so we could track and trace for safety but also the gym and pool was accessible to all SP. This was the same for swimming with the Pool used for personal training and rehab. It was split into 4 lanes with a booking system in placed too.
PT has also changed with the traditional PT due to safety. Therefore, a different approach was taken. 4 locations and 4 different timings to help manage numbers but improve the Soldier experience and effectively carry out better strength and conditioning. PT was carried out 3 days a week with a total of 48 lessons being carried out a week. No more than 20 soldiers could be on one PT session with a unique booking system via Defence Connect and Share Point being placed online. This was very successful with the SP being able to choose what time, what location and what type of PT they could carry out, basically empowerment to the Soldier. The
PTI’s enjoyed teaching these sessions often adapting, using SP’s Bergan’s, daysacks and other personalised items to reduce PTE conduct but carry out effective S and C lessons. Also, Yoga, Pilates and flexibility was introduced with great success to the Regiment.
The Regiment now also carries out Weak/Non-Swimmer courses, Lifeguard qualification courses and STA courses with great support from Regional Command. Pre to COVID-19 we had over 30 weak and non-swimmers who improved greatly with over 14 passing their Military Swim Test.
The Rehab/Recon team consisting of myself, the RMO Maj Lee and the Physio Mr Paul Westwood is now operational. The Physio has managed to procure S and C PTE via Defence Primary Health Care and it is now a great link for all levels of PT. Also, PTI’s are exposed to all levels of PT encouraging them to learn and carry out
various forms of CPD.
With monthly Sqn Health committee meetings being carried out and a big monthly Regimental Unit Health Committee (UHC), MATT 2 standards have increased by ten percent with soldiers being upgraded and MSKI’s reducing by around 9 percent in the last 24 months. A great achievement from the team with the Regiment being at 93% MFD from 83% 24 months ago.
The Regt has been active on the AT side despite COVID-19. This includes expeditions in, Norway, France and Capel Curig as well as lots of other places within the UK. I was very fortunate to deploy with the Regiment to Meribel in Feb 2020 and complete my SF2 Skiing qualification. Also, more expeditions in France, Germany, Bulgaria and Romania as well as Denali training being carried out as part of the Certa Cito celebrations which are all being planned under the careful eye of the RCMO and AT Guru Capt T Dudley. Despite the restrictions there have been plenty of chances to carry out AT over a widespread area including several activity packages.
The Regiment are also very keen on their sports and have had sporting successes from 2019/2020 receiving the prestigious
Bertwistle Pennant trophy. This was received due to the Regiment competing and winning a number of sports ranging from Tug of War to Athletics, Football and X-Country. Unfortunately, Sport was disturbed due to the pandemic but the Regiment have been forward thinking and competed in Virtual competitions including Athletics and X-Country.
In closing I feel very honoured and lucky to be posted to a hardworking, diligent and active unit. Not only are the Regiment embracing Project THOR, they are happy with adapting their training methods and with the big changes that have occurred in the PTP already as well as a new holistic approach to training. The Regiment are at the forefront of Sport and AT and are adaptable in terms of rehabilitation and reconditioning. To that end I feel very proud to be serving at 30th Signal Regiment and I intend 2021 to be another busy but fruitful and rewarding year.
SSgt (SSI) A Brown RAPTC

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