Page 73 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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WO1 (SMI) T Richardson MBE RAPTC
After a fantastic 24 month assignment as the SMI for PD at 12th Armoured Infantry Brigade my time was up, both within the unit and after 25 years in the Army. The role of SMI was fantastic, serving all of our Field Army units both Reg and Res within the Bde and witnessing some first-class operators; I personally thank you all for your support.
It was supposed to be farewell and after a thorough handover to newly promoted WO1 (SMI) Kinsley, I was ready to embark on a new career. Then the unexpected hit the world causing lots of uncertainty and I was thankful to be offered a 12-month extension as part of the COVID 19 policy. This meant 2 SMI’s in a Bde leading at SJC and supporting all C19 taskings.
SMI Kinsley immediately settled-in and understood the role, producing some great initiatives and improving Bde working practices going forward. Meanwhile, I was trawled to head up a new Field Army initiative of designing and delivering the new Physical Training Leader (PTL) course. This project saw me working directly to the transform team at AHQ and in particular my first ever Master at Arms, Maj (MAA) Dupree RAPTC and more recently alongside the SO2 3 (UK) Div, Maj (MAA) Windard RAPTC.
After lots of Skype and Teams meetings with CDC at HQ RAPTC, we finally had a great template to deliver the course as a trial only. 2 Royal Anglian and 4 RLC received the 6.5 training, qualifying 18 students in total. I was fortunate to receive assistance from one of the ASPT school staff, then Sgt (SI) Lockey who has since posted to one of our 12 Bde units, the RTR. A first-class instructor with lots of motivation throughout both courses.
The PTL course immediately gained traction and received authorisation for further trials at Divisional level. The units involved from 12 Bde are: the RTR (SSgt Lockey), KRH (SSgt Longden) & 1 Royal Welsh (SSgt Smith). Other divisional units involved are 22 Engr Regt (SSgt Winter), 26 Engr Regt (SSgt Bloom), 15 Sig Regt (SSgt Bradley) and 19 Regt RA (SSgt Burrows).
The course is designed to allow a PTL to deliver long, slow, distance running, Load Carriage in-line with RFT(S) and Bodyweight exercises in-line with the 12 Functional movement patterns and each lesson is prescribed preventing the PTL from deviating from the qualification aim and is only to be used in the absence of a PTI. The 3 (UK) Div trial will conclude at the end of March and if it is approved and brought into service; it would have made the 12-month extension very worthwhile.
SMI Handover – WO1 (SMI) T J Richardson MBE handing over to WO1 (SMI) L Kinsley
SMI Kinsley, whilst holding the PD role, was also preparing for the LECAB. It was fantastic news that he was selected for commission and commences the SO3 role at RAF Lyneham, DSEME, which means another handover imminent to WO1 (SMI) Goodchild RAPTC.
In closing, on behalf of SMI Kinsley and myself, we would like to thank all our units who have managed to deliver their duty whilst using their imagination throughout this tough year, and a personal thank you to everyone within the RAPTC and all the units I have served with. My 26 years has been an absolute blast and I will cherish the memories forever.
PTL Course 1 – SSgt (SSI) Smith 1 ROYAL WELSH PTL Course