Page 74 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 74

  Iarrived at the KRH in the September of 2020. Not having a cavalry or armoured background I knew I had a lot to learn in terms of spannering and tank culture. The gymnasium had been
closed for the best part of a year due to a roof replacement and an electrical upgrade. I share Aliwal gymnasium with SSgt (SSI) Lockey who is assigned to the RTR, and we both relished the task of setting up the facility ready for its grand re-opening.
2020 has been a year like none other for Physical Training. The restraints set by both the government and the Army has forced the Regiment and I to come up with new ways of PT delivery, in order to keep our soldiers fighting fit. The first lockdown led to most of the Regiment being dispersed from Tidworth however this did not phase us, with the Sqn PTI’s taking to the phones and delivering ‘Zoom PT’ within their troops (Joe wicks had some strong competition).
The Regiment have been extremely busy in its support to UK ops during the pandemic. Deploying to Liverpool on OP Rescript to conduct mass testing for Covid-19 in several locations around the city. Then further deploying to Dover on OP Rose to assist the border control with the mass testing of long-haul lorry drivers. The focus now switches towards OP Cabrit 10 and ensuring the Regiments personnel and Challenger 2 Tanks are prepared. Seeing them deploying to castle martin ranges to conduct LX firing and LFTT ranges.
Garmin watches have been given to personnel in order to better understand our soldiers. Looking at their sleeping habits, calorie
D Sqn deployed on OP ROSE
intake vs calorie expenditure, stress levels both in camp and on exercise so that we can best improve their human performance. Concurrently, a flexibility pilot was started in October 2020, where we looked to improve personnel’s mobility and flexibility whilst reducing the stress levels of our individuals through the practice of yoga and mindfulness. Both projects are yielding very interesting results.
The KRH have been part of the Physical Training Leader (PTL) trial headed up by Maj (MAA) Windard RAPTC, which saw members of the Regiment and potential PTI’s conduct the full course. The 6 newly qualified individuals have joined the fight in keeping our soldiers fit. The qualification has been a great addition to the KRH.
With the refurb to the Aliwal Gymnasium and a brand-new strength and conditioning shelter en-route I look forward to what 2021 brings. However, for a ‘cavalry’ unit, there’s still not a horse in sight!
SSgt (SSI) I Longden RAPTC
    LCpl Armstrong taking a lesson on the PTL course
C Sqn conducting yoga

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