Page 77 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 77

  Iarrived at the Unit in Jan 21 and it became quickly apparent that the gymnasium was in drastic need of a revamp, as the facility has been closed for the last 18 months due to a leaking roof and
some outdated electrics. However, SSgt (SSI) Longden KRH and I embraced the opportunity and created a facility that matched the requirements of the unit and the Army Physical Training System (APTS), ensuring the SPs can become fitter, faster & stronger, whilst still facilitating the SPs welfare.
The RTR have been extremely busy during these unprecedented times, however the Commanding Officer Lt Col J R Howard message to the Regiment has been “Business as usual” to ensure the RTR remain effective at all levels. During this busy period Ajax and Cyclops Sqns deployed on Op RESCRIPT & Op ROSE fighting the frontline battle against COVID-19 ensuring mass testing could be facilitated in Liverpool and that lorry drivers could be tested at the port of Dover.
Whilst two Sqns from the RTR were fighting the fight against COVID–19, Badger Sqn was Deployed on Ex Talin Dawn, as part of the 1 Mercian Battle Group, ensuring that the tank crews are current and competent to deploy on Op CABRIT 8.
With Ajax, Badger and Cyclops deployed, it left Dreadnaught to prepare for Op CABRIT 9.
This saw Dreadnaught deploy to Castle Martin Ranges completing all LX Firing, building up to Annual Crew assessments and Annual
SSgt (SSI) N Lockey and SSgt (SSI) I Longden RAPTC
Tallen Dawn
SSgt (SSI) N Lockey RAPTC
 troop assessments, which sees four Challenger 2 Tanks assault the enemy position.
Whilst the Royal Tank Regiment have been spread to the four winds, Egypt Sqn has maintained command and control whilst completing the Lone Solider Physical Training Program allowing the non GCC SPs within the Sqn time to adapt and adjust to the new Role Fitness Test going live
 in April 21.
  COVID–19 testing
MBS Range

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