Page 79 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 79

     SSgt (SSI) Ingles RAPTC during exercise Tallinn Dawn Indoor rock climbing prior to international lockdown 1 Mercian troops conduct Mountain biking
from Bulford gymnasium and freighted over to enhance transit facilities within Sennelager. AAPTIs and myself began conducting quality PT lessons for their respective companies, with assurance conducted by myself where necessary. Regardless of how busy we were, the Battalion would form up on Fridays to conduct a demanding Commanding Officers PT. These lessons would both test troops physically and instil espirit de corps. Prior to Christmas stand down, our aim was to ensure that the Battalion were all MATT 2 compliant ready for operations. 2 days prior to recovery back to the UK this was achieved, thanks to the huge efforts and work of all 1 Mercian AAPTIs within their respective companies.
Sennelager training area. All AAPTIs were embedded into their respective companies with myself in RSMs Tac for the duration. Conditions during this period were recorded as the coldest it had been within that location in decades, seeing the temperature plummet to as low as -20 degrees with wind chill. Having said that all troops received quality training in some of the harshest environments that would see us all well-conditioned for conditions expected within the Baltics.
Back in Bulford running simultaneously to the Battlegroup are the 1 Mercian Rog. The gymnasium 2IC Pte Wilkinson has ensured the ship has been kept steady and sailing regarding everything PD for A and elements of C company. Cpl Willis also continues to demonstrate his excellent abilities as an AAPTI prior to starting his RAPTC instructor course in April, of which all being well he will become a mainstream
Prior to Christmas, the Battalion were lucky enough to conduct Adventurous Training activities such as rock climbing, kayaking and mountain biking. A professional team of adventurous training instructors, led by Maj (MAA) Douglas RAPTC and WO1 (SMI) Hicks RAPTC undertook bespoke 1-day packages to allow a maximum number of 1 Mercian troops to experience a controlled exposure to risk, and thus increase operational effectiveness in the long run. Troops also completed mountain bike foundation courses within the Hartz mountains for 7-day periods.
The beginning of 2021 saw the battlegroup conduct its final validation exercise on
1 Merc - Battalion level COs PT socially distanced
RAPTCI in due course.
Overall this period has been incredibly busy for 1 Mercian, however everything PD has been made possible by all Gymnasium staff and their professional instruction. I’d like to also thank 5 Rifles RAPTCI SSgt (SSI) Morrow MBE RAPTC and her staff for the professional guidance and assistance given thus far both for the 1 Mercian Rog and the handover processes for CABRIT.
 20 Bde HQ on Ex CERBURUS: where’s the SMI?

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