Page 80 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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  The First Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers “England’s Finest” are an Armoured Infantry Battle Group, located in Tidworth, Wiltshire. First Fusiliers are part of 20th Armoured Infantry Brigade who sit within 3 (UK) Division, as part of their Reactive Force.
First Fusiliers Battle Group (BG) deployed on Op CABRIT 6, Mar 20 – Sep 20. First Fusiliers had the honour of working side by side the Estonian Defence Force (EDF) as NATOs enhanced Forward Presence. First Fusiliers BG had a successful Tour, working together with many Nations; the Danish, Americans and the EDF. The physical development of the BG was key to maintain readiness. Along with managing the facilities, this is the main job role of the RAPTCI on Op CABRIT; also attached to the BG is an RAPTC ERI and Physio.
In Tapa camp there is a gymnasium, sports pitches, indoor sports hall and a new strength and conditioning suite. Whilst on Op CABRIT 6 the BG followed a robust Physical Training Plan which directly fell in-line with the APTS, where possible. MATT 2 was also at the forefront if and when required. The Physical Training Facilities are very quaint, and more focussed for the Summer months, that being said, fantastic facilities and you can clearly see the progression made from Op CABRIT 1. There were a number of Cadres run whilst out there, PJNCO Cadre, Recce Cadre, Mortar Cadre and Machine Guns Cadre. With the Summer months upon the BG, you can only imagine the horror of the RAPTCI being told that these were going ahead. All Cadres mentioned went ahead and successfully delivered. Level 1 and 2 PT was a success story, there were a number of downgraded SP upgraded on a monthly basis. The Level 1, 2 and transition to level 3 was seamless and with a captured audience, absolutely works.
There were a number of events held throughout the Tour, CABRIT Olympics, D Day Sports Comp, Minden Day Comp, Tapa Half/ Full marathon, Spinning classes, eFP BG Rugby Team played with and against a professional Rugby Team, Warrior Fitness, Park run; the list is endless. The summer months dictated this opportunity, Estonia is a very different place throughout the winter months.
There was a huge amount of AT that took place over Op CABRIT 6, mountain biking, sailing, sea and inland kayaking, fat biking and a water sports package; good times.
There were a number of charity events on Op CABRIT 6 from a Cycle across the Estonian Coast, Tapa – Tidworth virtual race using various pieces of CV equipment, 24hr tyre flip, Multi National 24hr BAWF Competition in aid of Cpl Green (Z Coy AAPTI) who had an unfortunate life changing road bike accident raising money for Combat Stress whilst at home in the UK. SSgt (SSI) J Bremner RAPTC and his Army of AAPTIs took on the Charity event and raised a massive £2,677.00 for Combat Stress and the Fusiliers Aid Society.
First Fusiliers have a number of Battle Camps in the pipeline this year and are mainly going to be in the UK, the Battalion are currently held at high readiness and are more than prepared for any tasking that they are given. First Fusiliers are “Fit to Fight”.
SSgt (SSI) J Bremner RAPTC

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