Page 82 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 82

Having completed my 22 years colour service in April 2019 I was given the opportunity to transfer into the army reserve and within 8 months I was re mobilised as the RAPTCI for 5
RRF, this wasn’t expected or planned however the opportunity to deploy on Op Tosca 32 for a 6-month tour was a great opportunity for myself and indeed my family. All expectations of a sun kissed holiday visit from my family were soon expelled with the arrival of Covid-19 and we knew this tour was not going to what we expected.
The mobilisation began in Jan 2020 when both 7 Rifles and 5RRF came together at Wretham training camp in Thetford for our PDT, early morning PT sessions and long days of briefings were the norm pre-social distancing and face coverings.
The 4-week PDT was soon over and we deployed 5 weeks later. Bloodhound camp was our first home where we had to comply with BFC and the Cypriot authorities and completed 2 weeks of Covid Isolation, the camp was approximately 100m x 50m and housed us in our main body flights for 14 days. This was very challenging trying to keep the troops motivated however we kept busy throughout the days organising individual IPs/lessons and language training, all beneficial for the tour.
Finally, after 2 weeks of arriving on island we were on our way to Nicosia, the Mobile Force Reserve (MFR) based in Blue Beret camp and Sector 2 Support in Ledra Palace Hotel. (LPH). For myself as RAPTCI my first task was to take over the gymnasium and swimming pool, both were out of action due to the virus and bad pool maintenance over the years. All gym equipment was moved outside and spaced out in the pool area so the troops could train, and all morning PT sessions were scaled back to platoon sizes to make it as safe as possible for all in a clean and safe environment.
Pre-Deployment Training
Once restrictions were lifted slightly in the summer months, we began to organise some decent training, PNCO Cadres began along with ETL courses and we even managed to take part in the UNFICYP Military Skills competition and UNFICYP Triathlon.
The lifting of restrictions on island also gave me the chance to help in the BFC community, having served the last 4 years of my regular career in Cyprus so it was a good opportunity for me to visit Episkopi Garrison and help SSgt Wood and SSgt Williams with the annual Bay2 Bay competition.
Although the tour did not pan out as expected due to the current climate, it was a great success for both battalions with a successful hand over to 6 Rifles and a socially distant restricted medal parade in Oct 2020.
SSgt (SSI) N Davison RAPTC
    Op Tosca 32 Medal Parade

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