Page 84 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 84

  When COVID 19 took hold, it interfered with everything that we take for granted on a day to day basis, including the ability to conduct PT. During the Months of March to August, the Regiment followed online PT programmes designed in line with the APTS in order to maintain fitness levels and keep Soldiers physically and mentally robust. The sessions distributed were ‘home workout’ friendly so that you could complete them in your living room, back garden or a small area of grass. Runs and TABs were completed and tracked via the use of STRAVA and Garmin trackers. I had set challenges throughout, with prizes given to the winners. Events such as; Fastest Mile (run), 5km Best effort (run) and the most gruelling of them all was the ‘Ben Nevis Stair Challenge’ where Soldiers had to ascend the stairs/steps nearly 800 times in the fastest possible time. The challenge itself was extremely arduous, both physically & mentally.
Commencing at 1200 on Friday 29 May and completed by 1200 on Saturday 30 May, 12 SCOTS DG members took on a virtual duathlon, simulating the route from John O’Groats to Lands’ End. The event was done in aid of the Army Benevolent Fund. Each team member took on a 74.3-mile bike ride. This was completed via a Wattbike, road or mountain bike. This was followed by a 13.1 mile (Half Marathon) run each. The team put in a fantastic effort across the board, completing the events in temperatures of up to 25 degrees which is practically desert conditions in Scotland! All 12 team members completed the event and raised a combined total of £1800 which was a fantastic amount for such a worthy cause. Due to the current climate at the time, upon completion, 6 of the 12 members deployed directly back into COVID 19 response testing in the local areas, ensuring that SCOTS DG as always, were at the forefront of the national pandemic. The Regimental motto ‘Second to none’ has never been so fitting.
The monthly Tin Run event commenced in January 20 and was to be conducted on the last Friday of every month. The event itself was simple enough with the following being the protocol each time. Starting and finishing at the Station Football pitch via a loop around the local area of Reres Wood, culminating in 5 miles over X country terrain. All runners arrived with a tinned food donation which would be taken to the Dundee Foodbank post event, as a Regimental contribution. There was a prize in the form of a medal for each overall fastest time on the day. Due to COVID 19, between the months of March and September, the event was done virtually with Soldiers posting their times on the Facebook PT page and leaving their donations at the Guardroom.
The event was revived in a staggered Sqn manner in October and was the platform for future events to take place in a COVID friendly capacity as we manoeuvred into the ‘new normal’ The event remains a constant part of routine Regimental Community Engagement.
As part of the traditional Christmas Fun Run, the Tin Run was merged with a Children’s Ward donation to Ninewells Hospital, Dundee. Each Mess donated monies to buy vouchers towards Hobbycraft and Smyths toyshop. Finally, each child on the ward received a selection box. The items were gratefully received by the staff members and would go onto help the ward with bolstering their arts, crafts & toy supplies.
2021 saw the Regiments first REHAB Troop run efficiently and has seen great progress with over 12 Soldiers returned to Level 3 PT after lengthy injury processes. The platform has been set to now take the REHAB Troop forward and continue to enhance the numbers of Soldiers that are Medically Fully Deployable in preparation for Op Newcombe in 2022.
SSgt (SSI) L Baldwin RAPTC

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