Page 88 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 88
SSgt (SSI) R Davies RAPTC
As the Military’s requirement for Cyber and Electronic Warfare (EW) grows larger, 14 Signal Regiment (EW) continues to be a hive of activity whilst providing the Army’s only EW capability to worldwide Ops. Each of our four operationally focused Squadrons work to different Brigades, providing a constant commitment to Op SHADER, CABRIT and NEWCOMBE. Whilst the pandemic put a stop to most things, the wheels of Brawdy continued to turn, albeit a little slower...
2020 started off as it usually does at 14SR – training for Ex LANYARD TROPHY. This historic Royal Signals team event takes place in a different location each year, consisting of a self- navigated loaded march with 15kg over 40 miles. It is renowned for being one of the most physically and mentally challenging events within the military and it is a key event on the Royal Signals calendar. Having led the team to victory at Dartmoor in 2019, it was only right that we made a solid attempt at retaining the title in 2020. Following ten weeks of training on the Pembrokeshire coast path, our team deployed to Otterburn to conduct a two-week recce of the 2020 location – the aim, not to need our maps come race day. Unfortunately, halfway through our recce we received a call stating Ex LT was being cancelled due to COVID and a national lockdown was looming. Needless to say, there was some frustration amongst the troops. However, we did manage to get one last recce in that evening – of Newcastle centre!
When lockdown started, we designed a number of virtual challenges in order to maintain fitness across the Regiment whilst the force was dispersed. First up was the ‘Brawdy 5k’ which became an immediate success – members of the Regiment were submitting times from all over the world, including Estonia, the
Brawdy Gymnasium
Middle East and the Falklands. In addition to our own, the Army Athletics virtual races were well received by all. The Regiment had recently became the Major Unit Champions at the RC(S) XC League so there were some keen runners amongst the Regt.
Luckily for us, we also have some prime real estate in the form of a pancake flat airfield – perfect for time trails. We had some great results, both individually and as a team. Most importantly, it created healthy competition, kept people motivated and was a great way of identifying future talent – many of which have now secured places on the R SIGS and INT Corps XC / Athletics teams.
From a PD perspective, a lot of good things came out of 2020. Infrastructure improvements in the Gym along with a decent uplift in PTE.
We also managed to refurbish our old equipment and distribute around the local Army Reserve units to help improve their facilities. The Brawdy PCRF continued to work with those in the Rehab chain throughout the pandemic which saw a large number of personnel being upgraded and in turn, increasing our unit’s deployability. When AT returned briefly in the summer months, the Regiment made use of the closely located ATFW Castle Martin to conduct some multi activity AT with more planned for 2021.
As I write this, my time here is drawing to an end and I hand over the baton to SSgt (SSI) Dorian Thomas in March. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in Brawdy and the amazing opportunities it has provided. Next up, the Infantry Battle School, Brecon. The perfect post for a Welshman.
RC(S) XC Major Unit Winners 2020