Page 89 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 89
To deliver relevant, progressive, challenging and safe training for Regular and Reserve soldiers, facilitating their successful transition to Phase 2 training.
HQ ITG otherwise known as ‘The cabin in the woods’ is a small 1* HQ sited within Army Training Centre Pirbright, Surrey. Having already served 12-months of this 2-year
assignment – all of which has been during a global pandemic – I can honestly say that serving as the SMI PD ITG providing support to an extremely talented cohort of RAPTC Officers and SNCOs across the Ops Gp is definitely one of the highlights of my professional career thus far. Though it would be unjust not to mention those other RAPTC personalities who serve alongside me within this HQ. Working within are; Capt (MAA) Craig Woolass - SO3 G7 ITG and Maj (MAA) Jase Murdoch - SO2 G3 who is often seen ‘plate spinning’ behind his G3 desk.
The past year has seen a significant amount of change to the way in which we are training our phase 1 recruits both from a Reg / AR standpoint. Most notably is the recent change to the Regular BT Common Military Syllabus [CMS-21] whereby recruits will now undergo a new 14-week, modularised, CMS-21 programme that is far more holistic in its design. CMS-21 centres around the mastery of basics, a crawl, walk, run philosophy whereby core subjects are repeated throughout the CMS in varying conditions and complexity hence making it more of an experience. Moreover, CMS-21 also makes better use of technology to better enhance
recruit performance be that through wearable tech [Oura Ring], Prowise – enabling self-learning outside of normal training time – or wider digitisation modalities such as the Competence App. So, what ‘s the end state you say? Well I shall leave you with CITG’s vision for who a soldier leaving BT is; ‘’A soldier who lives by the values and standards, uses their initiative confidently, is resilient to change and discomfort and does the military basics brilliantly’.’
From an Ops Gp perspective, there has been lots of great work, some of which is still on-going right across the group. These include a variety of scientific studies such as; a PES Reliability, Sleep and Protein Study, to name only a few. Significant changes have also been made within the AR BT pathway most significant being the design and implementation of a new AR 8-week PD Pathway that aligns itself with the Regular CMS course. However, one of the most noteworthy on-going projects across the Op Gp is the recent instillation of the new Soldier Performance Facilities (SPF) designed and installed by Indigo Fitness.
I will leave you to read through some of the fine work conducted by our Officers, WOs’ and SNCOs from within the Corps who sit under the 1* Command of HQ ITG.
WO2 (QMSI) S D Ward RAPTC – SDW Chief Instructor
The SDWs mission is to deliver Type 1 AT to Recruits undergoing CMSR training at ATC Pirbright and ATR Winchester. This phase of training assists in providing a better understanding of the British Army’s Values and Standards, as well as an opportunity to practically apply the skills taught during MRT lessons. The Wing prides itself on testing and challenging the Recruits, and Permanent Staff to further develop leadership, personal character and team cohesion.
2020 brought news that no one could have expected, and the world came to a halt as COVID-19 put a stop to the way we all conducted our daily business. The news of March 2020 took us all by surprise, with an immediate stop to AT in South Wales and across the Joint Services. The first, and my only time off during lock down (7 weeks) was terrible. The sun was shining constantly, and it presented some great time to spend with the family, creating some fantastic memories. Fortunately for SDW and AT, a return to work was simple (for the staff) and the ability for the whole team to isolate from one another was easy. In May 2020, we all returned and began to plan, present and attempt to implement procedures, to assist in the resumption of training.
COVID aside, the SDW faced several challenges with manpower. Major Chris Kerr RA was at the end of his 33-year career, had secured a job in Brecon and OC Des, Major Stephen Smith RE was inbound. The Senior Instructor (SI), Mr Huw Richards had taken the opportunity to retire, presenting the job to recruit a new SI and the RAPTC were unable to fill the RAPTC PID occupied by SSgt Helen Heycock. The OC jobs
were gapped, the G4 Manager Mr Evans required time off and the Chief Instructor provided continuity and a point of contact for any AT matters that required attention. Despite COVID slowing the world down, I was pressed to keep the wheels turning and ensure that all appointments/responsibilities were managed. The new OC arrived, the PWRR had supported and provided us with CSgt Louie Turagavou (to manage our training cell) and I had implemented plans to recruit a new SI. Things were on the up.
With a new set of brains on the job and the support required to move forwards, we all began to provide COAs, allowing ITG to implement the resumption of AT across the Phase One Training space. As you can imagine, this was like boarding a flight at Brize Norton on deployment. One minute we were good to go and the next, we were downing tools and standing still. Not disheartened in anyway, we identified several developments and improvements that had been placed on the back burner and the time we had, allowed us to get them done. We also had the challenge to review our current contractor, rewrite the SDWs statement of requirement and saw Blue Dot Adventure down tools, with entrust taking the reigns into 2021. With everything else going on, we had appointed a new SI in Mr Paul Lillygreen and after receiving my own posting order, looked forward to welcoming SSgt Dave Mudge, replacing me as the Chief Instructor.
The SDW is now up and running and at the time that you will be reading this article, Major Mark Hale RLC will be steering the ship and I will be enjoying the world of PT, PD and AT at ATR(W).