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            Dried fruit is fruit that  has  had

            almost all of  the water content                          DRY APPLE                                     DRY APPRICOT                                     DRY KIWI                                     DRY BANANA

                                                                      Red apple is one of the best                  Dried apricot contains the highest               Kiwi is a very low caloric fruit.            Dried and sweet bananas, are
            removed            through           drying               apples for dehydrating. Dried red             amount of vitamin A, which is                    Dried Kiwi contains many                     an excellent source of

                                                                      apples are incredibly aromatic in             considered an essential nutrient.                vitamins, including vitamin C,               potassium and are a great
            methods.                                                  flavor and delicious sweet. No                Dried apricots are also high in fiber,           provitamin A, vitamins B and K,              energy snack, especially after

                                                                      sugar added and without any                   potassium, copper and vitamin E                  calcium and iron. Dried kiwi                 a hard workout. Bananas help
            The fruit shrinks during  this                            additives organic dried apples.               and a source of iron and niacin,                 slices are stunning edible                   replace the vitamins and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  minerals consumed during
                                                                                                                    also known as vitamin B3.                        decoration for cakes and also                tough physical activity.
            process, leaving a small, energy-                                                                                                                        offered as an ideal healthy

            dense dried fruit.

            Dried  fruit  can  be  preserved  for

            much longer than fresh fruit and

            can       be      a     handy        snack,

            particularly on long trips where

            refrigeration is not available.

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