Page 23 - June Hernando 2020 Senior Voice
P. 23
Senior Voice of Hernando County • JUNE 2020 • 23
BOOMING reaching levels typically seen
continued from page 20 only in June and July, as parents Senior Voice
cast about for ways to keep home-
4. Computer accesso- bound kids active and entertained. News Publications
ries 7. Jigsaw puzzles
As millions of Americans rushed On its website, the venerable To advertise, please contact:
to set up home workstations, German puzzle and game compa- Shelley Ketchum
peripherals many might consid- ny Ravensburger quotes an ardent
er unnecessary for casual home fan about why doing jigsaw puz- 813-334-9493
laptop use were in high demand. zles makes him happy: “Bringing
Glimpse’s “COVID-19 Consumer order to a pile of chaos can have
Impact Tracker” recorded a 160 an incredibly calming and relax-
percent spike in interest in exter- ing effect.”
nal monitors in March, and an 85 James Dean
percent jump for laptop mice. If that sounds to you like a recipe
made for these uncertain times, 352-503-2195
5. Fitness equipment you’re far from alone. Demand
for jigsaw puzzles has surged to
Unable to go to the gym in most historic highs amid the pandemic, Jim Vavala
parts of the country, many Amer-
icans are bringing the gym home, with U.S. sales increasing by 509 352-277-6309
percent from March 27 to April
pumping up sales of weights, 26, according to Criteo.
cardio machines and other work-
out gear. Retail sales of fitness 8. Nail care
equipment rose by 130 percent in Over 50,000 copies distributed
March compared to last year, ac- As nail salons shut down, demand every month in Citrus
cording to the NPD Group. Stack- for DIY manicure materials shot
line, an e-commerce data compa- up. Glimpse tracked a 431 percent and Hernando Counties!
ny, recorded a 307 percent jump jump in consumer interest in nail
in online sales of weight-training kits, and Nielsen registered 80 Your Pathway to
equipment. percent sales gains in April for
nail treatments and polish remov- the Senior Market!
6. Inflatable pools er. The surge led to headlines in
fashion media that the so-called
Backyard swimming season came lipstick effect — the notion that
early this year. From mid-March
to late April, consumer interest in in down times consumers eschew
big-ticket spending but treat
blow-up pools, as measured by themselves to small indulgences
Glimpse, leaped by 447 percent,
— is actually a nail effect.
CRUISING they intend to wait before
continued from page 18 sailing once the pandemic
ends. Results totaled up as
last three are based overseas, 33% would wait another six
with AIDA using German months, 22% opted to wait
as its main language for three months, and the hearty
announcements on board. brave souls came in at a
While shares of stock in rather basic 12% who would
all the lines have lost value cruise as soon as anything
dramatically, they seem to is allowed to sail. Carnival
be leveling off within the hopes to have ships sailing
past week. In a Harris Poll, again by 1 August. I’ll
those intending to cruise drink to that!
again were asked how long