Page 19 - Spring Catalog 2022 Final
P. 19

Top 5 things homeowners should know

      1. Right plant right place – Choosing the right plant for
      the spot you are planting means that plant will thrive in
      the location you have chosen with less maintenance. This
      sets it up for a healthy life.

      2. Proper planting depth and mulching – Most trees and
      shrubs that I come across are planted too deep. This results
      in weak plants that are starved for water and nutrients
      and eventually leads to a decline in their health as well as
 Ask the Experts  As people spend more time in their yards   other problems such as root and trunk rot. Mulch should

 and gardens, we’ve had a lot of customers   be spread around the root zone to a depth of 2-3 inches to
 asking about pest control.  Dealing with   protect the root system but don’t let it pile up around the
 and understanding nature’s littlest creatures   trunk of the plant.
 WHAT IS INTEGRATED PEST   is a surprisingly complex topic, so we’ve   3. Proper watering – Watering less often, for longer

 asked local expert, Chad Thomas—owner
 MANAGEMENT?  of Cape Cod Plant Doctor, to walk us   periods of time, will soak the soil to a deeper level and
      promote a deeper, healthier root system. This results in a
 through the basics.
      plant that is able to better resist drought and pest damage.
 What is Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?  Watering for shorter periods of time more often will result
 Integrated Pest Management is an approach to pest management that focuses on   in a shallow root system and a plant that is more prone to
 managing host stress and reducing pest populations to a tolerable level, rather than   stress, especially from heat and drought.
 the eradication of an insect, disease or weed pest. This is accomplished using
 multiple tactics including cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical controls.  This also applies to lawns! For example, you are much
      better off watering once a day, 2-3 times a week
 There are many steps in an IPM program but in short, it includes these steps:   (depending on weather) for longer run times per zone
 · Scouting and identification of plants and potential pests.   than watering 3 times a day, every day for 15 minutes per
 · Monitoring plants and pest levels
 · Deciding if any management is needed and if so, what that will be  zone. This practice also conserves water.
 Why is IPM important for our yards and the environment?
 A few examples of pest management   In short, it reduces the use and reliance on pesticides and   4. Always read the label – Always read and follow the
     options look like this:  takes into consideration their potential impact on our   label of any pesticides you are using. All of the important
 Cultural – Practices that promote healthy plants that are better   environment and encourages us to think about other   safety and usage information is on that label including
 able to resist stress from insect, disease or natural problems such   management techniques for pest problems. It also promotes   how to properly use it as well as how not to use it. The
 as drought. Selecting the right plant for the site, planting and   proper plant selection and care.  label is the law.
 watering properly, selecting pest resistant species.
 If I grow my own fruits and veggies, can I practice IPM in
 Mechanical – Pruning to remove diseased or insect infested   my garden? Of course! Everything in this article can be   5. Organic and natural products are still pesticides –
 plant parts. Cleaning up and removing diseased leaves. Removing   applied to the home garden.  They still have the potential for negative environmental and
 insects (such as the lily leaf beetle) by hand. Biological – Using   health related impacts and should be respected as such.
 natural enemies to manage a pest. Predators and parasites such as   Tips for IPM at home:   Always read labels carefully and don’t think that just because
 predatory mites or parasitic nematodes can be released to   · Proper planting and plant selection are critical.    something is organic it is safe to use without caution.
 manage certain insects.
 · Smart watering—water at the base of plants instead of
 Chemical – The use of pesticides to manage pest populations.   overhead to reduce disease.   If you are interested in IPM-focused plant health care and other
 This includes all types of pesticides—insect, fungus, microbial,   · Select disease resistant varieties when possible. Inspect your   services for your property contact Cape Cod Plant Doctor:
 herbicide. However, pesticides used in an IPM program are   plants often to catch any pests early.
 chosen based on having the lowest risk to health and the
 environment while still being effective. Biorational pesticides   · Some beneficial insects can be used to manage pests in your
 such as horticultural and neem oil for example, or BTK for   home garden. Lady bugs for aphid control is one example
 caterpillars are usually the first choice over a stronger insecticide.  and they can be purchased from Agway.
 of Cape Cod
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