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Ivan Peries:
                                                              A Pioneer of Modern Art in Sri Lanka
                                                                                    July 2023

           period demonstrated a fusion of Western modernist    With its vivid palette, dynamic brushstrokes, and skilful
           aesthetics and a deeply rooted sense of his Sri Lankan   depiction of the figure, this artwork showcases Peries’
           heritage. Peries’ painting of this showcased a vivid   ability to blend tradition and modernism seamlessly.
           palette of colours, dynamic brushwork, and a keen       Additionally, ‘Masked Boy’ (1952) stands out as
           sense of composition. Through his art, he sought to   a striking and enigmatic piece, with its juxtaposition
           capture the essence of Sri Lanka’s rich cultural tapestry,   of traditional Sri Lankan mask motifs and modernist
           blending its lush landscapes, vibrant traditions, and   elements. Peries’ artworks continue to captivate viewers
           spiritual symbolism with                                                  with their boldness, depth,
           his modernist vocabulary.                                                 and their ability to transcend
           His works became a visual                                                 boundaries and speak to the
           dialogue between tradition                                                universal human experience.
           and innovation, reflecting
           the evolving identity of a
           nation at the crossroads of                                               Shaping Sri Lanka’s
           change.                                                                   Artistic Vanguard
                                                                                        In the early 1949s, a group
           Masterpieces:                                                             of pioneering Sri Lankan artists
           Exploring Form,                                                           came together to form the ‘43
           Colour and Cultural                                                       group, an avant-garde collective
           Heritage                                                                  that would forever transform
                                                                                     the trajectory of Sri Lanka’s art
              One of Peries’ most                                                    scene. At the forefront of this
           celebrated works from this                                                influential movement stood Ivan
           period is his masterpiece,                                                Peries, whose artistic prowess
           “Reclining Nude.” Painted in                                              and unwavering commitment
           1951, the piece is a testament                                            to pushing the boundaries of
           to his mastery of form,                                                   creativity made him an integral
           colour, and composition. In                                               part of the ‘43 group’s legacy.
           this painting, Peries depicts                                             His contribution to the group
           the human figure in an                                                    and his profound impact on Sri
           abstract manner, exploring                                                Lankan art cannot be overstated.
           the interplay of light and
           shadow with a bold and                                                       The ‘43 group, named after
           expressive brushstroke. The                                               the 43rd anniversary of Sri
           work garnered international                                               Lanka’s independence, aimed
           acclaim and solidified Peries’                                            to challenge the conservative
           reputation as a pioneering                                                artistic conventions prevalent
           force in the world of modern                                              at the time and usher in a new
           art.                                                                      era of artistic expression. Led
                                                                                     by Peries, along with other
              With his innovative                               visionary artists such as George Keyt and Lionel Wendt,
           approach and distinctive style, he created several   the group sought to break away from the confines of
           noteworthy art pieces that have left an indelible on the   traditional art and explore new artistic frontiers. They
           war world. Another iconic piece by ‘The Flower Vendor’   rejected the prevailing academic style and embraced
           (1960), is a vibrant and captivating composition that   modernist principles, incorporating abstraction, bold
           captures the essence of Sri Lanka’s rich cultural heritage.
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