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However, like many families of artists in Sri Lanka, Consequently, Senanayake was sent to the United States,
Senanayake’s parents also grappled with a familiar where he pursued his studies and obtained a degree in Art
dilemma. Despite recognizing the value and beauty of and Architecture from Yale University in 1972. However,
Senanayake’s creative work, they found themselves torn despite his education abroad, Senanayake’s heart yearned
between their admiration for his talent and the practical for his homeland, Sri Lanka. Feeling a deep sense of
concerns ingrained in societal expectations. longing for the warmth and familiarity of his motherland,
“My parents wanted me to have a good education and he made a heartfelt request to his parents to allow him to
find a secure job with a pension. They believed painting return. In order to reconnect with his roots, Senanayake
was for the fool of the family,” Senaka Senanayake revealed, returned to Sri Lanka and remained in the country for at
speaking about his parents’ perspective on his artistic least a year. During this time, he found solace in his art,
ambitions. continuing to paint and nurture his creative spirit.
He acknowledged that despite his deep love for The Symphony of Nature’s Palette
painting, he agreed with their wishes and even humorously
mentioned, “So, even though my heart was with painting, Senaka Senanayake’s paintings are a celebration of
I agreed with them and told them I wanted to be a plastic nature’s diverse hues and delicate balance. With a playful
surgeon. I also wanted to be a player for the national cricket stroke of his brush, he conjures up landscapes that
team too because I played for the school team.” transport us to verdant forests, blooming gardens, and
tranquil lakes. His art invites us to immerse ourselves in the