Page 30 - GROUP 1 2022 Arl. Villas Benefit Guide Revised
P. 30

Voluntary Short-Term Disability:

         Mutual of Omaha

         Revelations Healthcare provides our employees with Low Cost Voluntary Non-Work-Related Short-Term Disability coverage intended to protect your
         income for a short duration in case you become ill or injured at low cost group rates.

          •  Benefits begin the 15th day following an accident, illness and even pregnancy
          •  Benefits can continue up to a maximum duration of 11 weeks

          •  This policy will cover 60% of your weekly base income up to $1,500
          •  Cost are after tax and Weekly Benefit are Income Tax Free
          •  Pays for Total and Partial Disabilities caused by accidents and illness

         Definition of Disability:
           Disability and disabled mean that because of an injury or illness, a significant change in your mental or functional abilities has occurred, for which you are pre-
           vented from performing at least one of the material duties of your regular job and are unable to generate current earnings which exceed 99% of your weekly
           earnings from your regular job. You can be totally or partially disabled during the elimination period.

         Partially Disability Benefits:
           If you become disabled and can work part-time (but not full-time), you may be eligible for partial disability benefits, which will help supplement your income until
           you are able to return to work full-time

           If you have a medical condition that begins before your coverage takes effect, and you receive treatment for this condition within the 3 months leading up to
           your coverage start date, you may not be eligible for benefits for that condition until you have been covered by the plan for 6 months.

          •  Rehabilitation Assistance Benefit:
            Employees who participate in an approved rehabilitation program are eligible to receive an additional percent of benefit. Additionally, approved program costs
            may be reimbursed.
          •  Waiver of Premium:
            You will not be required to pay premium during any time of approved total or partial disability.
          •  Portability, you can take it with you
          •  Pregnancy—Normal Delivery—6 Weeks
          •  Pregnancy C-Section Benefit - Attending Physician Statement, normally 8 Weeks
          •  Hearing Discount Benefit

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