Page 5 - 2022 National Door Benefit Guide
P. 5

Preventive Care Coverage:

          (Included with Both Plans)

         One  of  the  most  valuable  benefits  included with  your  benefit  package is  preventive  care coverage  which
         covers 100% of eligible preventive services after your Physician Copay when performed in-network. Deductible
         and  coinsurance  applies  for  out-of-network  providers.  That  means  that  you  only  pay  your  office  copay  to
         access a variety of medical tests, screenings, annual exams, and  immunizations which may help reduce your
         risk of  developing health conditions in the future and avoid expensive treatment down the road.
          Understanding Preventive Care:

          Preventive  care  is  the  first  step  in  knowing  how  healthy  you  are.  The  goal  is  to  “prevent”  a  serious  health
          condition  by  detecting  problems  early  on.  Preventive  care  includes  screenings,  tests,  medicines  and
          counseling performed or prescribed by your doctor or other health care providers to test for conditions which
          may develop even when you don’t have signs or symptoms  of an injury or illness. Your provider  is able to
          deliver  treatment  which  can  prevent  you  from  getting  sick  and  by  counseling  you  on  beneficial  lifestyles
          changes or offspring prophylactic treatment.

          Why is Preventive Care Important:

          •   Detection of health conditions early when they are more easily treatable

          •   Identification of potential risks to your future health

          Examples of Covered Preventive Services for Adults and Children:

          •   Immunizations and flu shots (age 7 and over)
          •   Wellness exams including lab/x-rays

          •   Well-woman visits including pap smears, gynecological exams, and mammograms
          •   Well child care including developmental assessments and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines

          •   Bone mass measurement testing
          •   Hearing exams

          •   Annual prostate screenings

          •   Routine colonoscopy (limited to first $3,000, then coinsurance applies), covered every 10 years and age
             requirements apply

              Note: For information on what the plans cover, please see the benefit summaries for more details.
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