Page 2 - FINAL - 2023 Heritage School Benefit Guide
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You are our most
valuable asset.
Heritage School of Texas is committed to a comprehensive benefit program that helps you
stay healthy and feel secure while maintaining a work/life balance.
Heritage School of Texas is pleased to offer three medical plan options to meet your
individual needs, including a High Deductible Health Plan which is a qualified (HSA) Health
Savings Account plan. Heritage School of Texas pays a sizable flat dollar amount of full-time
employee’s cost for the medical plan of your choosing. We also provide our full-time
employees with voluntary Dental and Vision options as well.
Please retain a copy of this guide in order to review benefits, cost, and contact
information. This booklet will not serve as an ID card or verification of benefits, but can
provide assistance if needed. For more information you can log into Heritage’s Employee
Benefit Website 24/7 with your Personal ID and Password once your benefits have been set-
up following open enrollment (see instructions on page 19).
For additional contact numbers and information, please refer to page 18. or