Page 6 - Tritrax 2020 Benefit Guide- Final
P. 6
Blue Cross Blue Shield
MDLive access to care online at any time!
When you don’t feel well, your child is sick, or think you may
have symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID-19) the last
thing you want to do is leave the comfort of home to sit in a
waiting Now, you don’t have
A virtual visit lets you see and talk to a doctor from your mobile
or . You can speak to a doctor immediately or
schedule an appointment based on your availability.
Use MDLive
And, part of your health benefits.
} Your doctor is not
} You while traveling
} You are considering visiting
hospital emergency room for
• Allergies • Cold / Flu • health
• Asthma • Ear Problems • Child Behavior / Learning
• Nausea • Pinkeye • Marriage Problems
• Sinus Infections
virtual } Anything requiring an exam or
Get connected today!
} Complex or chronic
Call MDLive (888-680-8646)
Speak with a health service specialist or } Injuries requiring
with a doctor! sprains / broken
To register, you’ll need to provide your first
and last name, date of birth and BCBSTX
member ID number