Page 14 - Megatel Homes LLC Benefit Guide Effective 8-1-2023a
P. 14

Dental Options:

        United Healthcare

           Per Pay Period (26)         Buy-Up         Base                  Dependent Information
           Employee Only               $21.38        $11.28
                                                                We offer our employees and eligible dependents dental coverage.
           Employee + Spouse           $42.75        $22.55
                                                                Children can join or remain on a parent’s dental plan until age 26.
           Employee + Child(ren)       $60.34        $32.60     When a child turns 26, they will lose dental coverage on the last
           Employee + Family           $82.97        $44.65     day of their birth month. This is an automated process.

       BRIEF  OVERVIEW                 Amount You Pay—Buy-Up Plan                 Amount You Pay—Base Plan
                                               Non-Network  Dentists                                Non-Network Dentists
       Type of Service                       Reimbursed at 90% of U&C            Reimbursed at Network Fee Maximum

       Annual Deductible (CYD)             $50 Individual  / $150 Family            $50 Individual  / $150 Family
       Preventive Services                Covered at 100%; CYD Waived              Covered at 100%; CYD Waived

       Basic Services                        Covered at 80% after CYD                 Covered at 80% after CYD

       Major Services                        Covered at 50% after CYD                 Covered at 50% after CYD
       Annual Maximum                                 $2,500                                   $1,000
       Annual Maximum                   Preventive Services Does Not Apply       Preventive Services Does Not Apply

                                        The MaxMultipiler Benefit can increase   The MaxMultipiler Benefit can increase
                                       your annual maximum each year $600 or    your annual maximum each year $250 or
       Max Rewards (Additional
       Annual Maximum Benefits)        $700 for (In-Network) dentist to a max  of   $350 for (In-Network) dentist to a max of
                                       $1,875 in your Account. TOTAL MAXIUM    $1,000  in your Account. TOTAL MAXIUM
                                        $4,375! See policy summary for details!   $2,000! See policy summary for  details!

                                           Covered at 50% - CYD Waived              Covered at 50% - CYD Waived
       Orthodontia (Child Only)
                                            Lifetime Maximum of 1,500               Lifetime Maximum of $1,000

       Type of Service                                           Benefit Description

                    See Summary of Benefits and Policy for the age and frequency limitations of benefits.

                                        Routine cleanings, exams, x-rays, oral   Routine cleanings, exams, x-rays, oral cancer
       Preventive Services             cancer screenings. (Fluoride, sealants,   screenings. (Fluoride, sealants, space
                                         space maintainers  under  age 16)            maintainers under age 16)

                                       Restorations (Amalgam or Composite)      Restorations (Amalgam or Composite)
                                       fillings, simple extractions, oral surgery,   fillings, simple extractions, Emergency
       Basic Services
                                       endodontics (root canals), periodontics.      Treatment/General Services
                                       Emergency Treatment/General Services
                                        Crowns, implants (no missing tooth     Crowns, inlays, onlays, endodontics (root

       Major Services                 clause or waiting period), inlays, onlays,   canals), periodontics, oral surgery, fixed
                                       fixed partial denture (bridges) dentures   partial denture (bridges) Implants are NOT
                                             &    removable prosthetics       covered dentures & removable prosthetics.
       Annual Maximum                    Applies January 1 to December 31         Applies January 1 to December 31

       Orthodontia                            Children under age 19                     Children under age 19
         14      NOTE: This is only a brief overview. Please see Benefit Summary and policy for more details.
                Website:  or Customer Service : 877-816-3596
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