Page 27 - Megatel Homes LLC Benefit Guide Effective 8-1-2023a
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Worldwide Travel Assistance:

         Mutual of Omaha

         Pre-trip Assistance                                     Medical Assistance
         Minimize travel hassles by calling us pre-departure for:    •   Locating medical providers and referrals
         •   Information regarding passport, visa or other required           •   Communication on your medical status with family,
            documentation for foreign travel                        physicians, employer, travel company and consulate
         •   Travel, health advisories and inoculation requirements for    •   Emergency evacuation if adequate medical facilities are not
            foreign countries                                       available, including payment of covered expenses
         •   Domestic and international weather forecasts        •   Transportation home for further treatment – in the event
         •   Daily foreign currency exchange rates                  of death, assist in the return of mortal remains
         •   Consulate and embassy locations                     •   Transportation arrangements for the visit of a family

         Emergency Travel Support Services                          member or friend if your hospitalization is more than
         •   Telephonic translation and interpreter services – 24/7 access   seven calendar days
            to telephone translation services                    •   Return home for dependent children if your hospitalization
         •   Locating legal services – referrals for local attorney or consular   is more than seven calendar days
            offices and help maintain business and family communications  •   Assistance with lodging arrangements if convalescence is
            until legal counsel is retained (includes coordination of          needed prior to, or after, medical treatment
            financial assistance for bonds/bail)                 •   Coordination with your health insurance carrier during a
         •   Baggage – assistance with lost, stolen or delayed baggage   medical emergency
            while traveling on a common carrier                  •   Assistance obtaining prescription drugs or other necessary
         •   Emergency payment and cash – assistance with advance of   personal medical items
            funds for medical expenses or other travel emergencies by   Identity Theft
            coordinating with your credit card company, bank, employer,   Your Travel Assistance benefit automatically includes Identity
            or other sources of credit; includes arrangements for          Theft Assistance, coordinated at no additional cost. Whether at
            emergency cash from a friend, family member, business or   home or traveling, this benefit provides education, prevention
            credit card                                          and recovery information to help you protect your identity.
         •   Emergency messages – assistance with recording and            •   Information regarding the steps to recover from credit card
            retrieving messages between you, your family and/or business   and check fraud
            associates at any time                               •   Guidelines if your Social Security number is compromised
         •   Document replacement – coordination of credit card, airline   •   Instructions for lost or stolen passport

            ticket or other documentation replacement            •   Contact list for financial institutions, credit bureaus and
         •   Vehicle return – if evacuation or repatriation is necessary,    check companies
            return your unattended vehicle to the car rental company    Assistance
                                                                 Case managers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
                                                                 and can be reached by calling the same toll-free number used
                                                                 to contact AXA: 800-856-9947.

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