Page 17 - Heritage Oaks - Benefit Guide 7-1-2022
P. 17

Enrollment Instructions and

         Benefit Portal

         1)  Go to - click the “Employee Login” link from the menu bar on top.

         2)  For Annual Open Enrollment  and NEW HIRES,  enter your username and password (username: last 4 of

            SSN + first four of last name / password: last name) to log in to your benefit website.  (Portal Identifier ) IFC
         3)  Under the Enrollment section, click on the blue “Open Enrollment” or “New Hire” button. This will take you

            to the enrollment start page. The entire process has been laid out for you in the left side menu system. For
            your ease of use, each page has been setup with a "Next" button to take you to the next page. You can,
            however, move around between pages using the menu system.

         4)  Review your employee profile information. Please update any missing required fields and correct any items
            that may be incorrect. Please add your email address to receive a copy of your benefit selections.
         5)  Please  add  ALL  your  dependents  even  if  you  do  not  plan  to  adding  them  to  your  company  group
            insurance  program  under  the  profile  -  this  can  be  done by  clicking  “New  Dependent” -  We  need  your

            dependents    added for your beneficiary information later. For children over age 26 please use (Adult
            Child) and not Child.
         6)  Review the benefits offered. For more information, click on benefit details.

         7)  Once  you  have  determined  the  benefits  to  enroll  in,  select  it,  click  next  step,  and  continue  until  all
            benefits have been selected.
         8)  You are required to enter an election for all benefits offered - if covering dependents, they need to be
            checked under “coverages”.  If you do not want to elect a coverage, check “Waive” and select a reason.

         9)  Once  all  elections  are  made  -  You  may  choose  to  email  yourself  a  copy  of  your  selections  BEFORE
            confirming your choices.
         10) Check the box and click “Confirm my Choices.”

         New Hire Enrollments are also done online through our Employee Benefit Website. For more
         information about our benefits or how to enroll, please contact our broker’s office at 800-935

         -0605 or 817-332-8956

         Don’t forget you can use your login and password to access your Employee Benefit Website

         for  all  your  benefit  information  needs.  Your  benefit  portal  includes  plan  information  and

         summaries, costs, carriers contact information, and network provider look up. You can also

         find helpful (how to) videos, provider links, and forms.

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