Page 4 - Tritrax 2021 Benefit Guide (FINAL)
P. 4

Medical Options:

         Blue Cross Blue Shield

           Per Pay Period            Core        Buy-Up                    Dependent Information
           Bi-Weekly 2021
                                                             TriTrax Rehabilitation offers employees the opportunity to
           Employee Only            $145.95      $163.60
                                                             cover their dependent children. Children can join or
           Employee + Spouse        $437.86      $500.05     remain on a parent’s medical plan until age 26.
           Employee + Child(ren)    $437.86      $500.05     When a child turns 26, they will lose medical coverage
                                                             on the last day of their birth month.
           Employee + Family        $729.44      $833.30

                                                      HMO Core Plan                       PPO Buy-Up Plan
              In-Network Benefits                     $1,250 Deductible                    $3,000 Deductible
                                                   In-Network Coverage  Only         In and OUT of Network Coverage

                                                     Individual: $1,250                   Individual: $3,000
          Calendar Year Deductible (CYD)
                                                      Family: $3,750                       Family: $9,000
          Coinsurance                            Carrier 100% / Member 0%             Carrier 70% / Member 30%

          Out of Pocket Maximum:                     Individual: $1,250                   Individual: $8,550
          (Includes CYD, Copays, Co-Ins)              Family: $3,750                       Family: $17,100
          Office Visit  - PCP                           $25 Copay                            $50 Copay

                                                        $45 Copay
          Office Visit—Specialist                                                            $80 Copay
                                                 (Referral Required by PCP)
                                                        $25 Copay                            $50 Copay
          Telemedicine 24/7 (MDLive)
                                               ($0 Copay during COVID Period)       ($0 Copay during COVID Period)
          COVID-19 Vaccines                           Covered 100%                         Covered 100%

          Preventive Care                             Covered 100%                         Covered 100%

          Lab Work & X-Rays (Basic)                    0%, After CYD             30% After CYD Plus $100 for X-Rays

                                                        $250 Copay
          (Imaging) MRI’s, CT, PET                                                 $200 Copay, plus 30% After CYD
                                                 (Referral Required by PCP)
          Urgent Care                               $25 Copay, No CYD                    $40 Copay, No CYD

          Emergency Room                       $400 Copay, plus 0% After CYD       $600 Copay, plus 30% After CYD

                                               $150 Copay, plus 0% After CYD
          Hospitalization (Inpatient)                                              $300 Copay, plus 30% After CYD
                                                 (Referral Required by PCP)
                                                  Preferred Generic:$0/$10                                  erred Generic:$0/$10
          IN-NETWORK                           Non-Preferred Generic:$20/$30        Non-Preferred Generic:$20/$30
          Participating Pharmacies / Non       Preferred Name Brand: $50/$70        Preferred Name Brand: $50/$70
          Participating Pharmacies            Non-Preferred Brand: $100/$120       Non-Preferred Brand: $100/$120
          Prescription Drugs 30 Day Supply Mail   Specialty Preferred:$150             Specialty Preferred:$150
          Order 3 X the retail Participation copay
                                                Specialty Non Preferred:$250         Specialty Non Preferred:$250

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