Page 19 - Heritage Oaks - Benefit Guide 7-1-2020 Revised 091120
P. 19

Dental Option:

        United Healthcare

                        Rate Per Pay Period

                                                                            Dependent Information
               Employee Only                 $16.14
                                                              The Heritage Oaks Company offers employees the op-
               Employee + Spouse             $32.29           portunity  to  cover  their  dependent  children.  Children
                                                              can join or remain on a parent’s dental plan until age
               Employee + Child(ren)         $37.61

               Employee + Family             $56.62           When a child turns 26, they will lose dental coverage
                                                              on the last day of their birth month.

                      Type of Service                                 (In-Network) Amount Paid

         Preventive Services                          Covered at 100%; No Deductible
         Basic Services                               Covered at 80% after Calendar Year Deductible

         Major Services                               Covered at 50% after Calendar Year Deductible
         Orthodontia Services                         Covered at 50% No Deductible to a Lifetime Maximum of $1,000
         Calendar Year Deductible                     $50 Individual / $150 Family
         Annual Maximum                               $1,000 per person

         Waiting Periods for Major Services or Ortho   NONE if you enroll during your enrollment period
                                                      The MaxMultipiler Benefit can increase your annual maximum each
                                                      year  $250  or  $350  for  (In-Network)  providers  to  a  maximum  of
         Max Rewards
                                                      $1,000 in your MaxMultiplier Account. See policy summary for    de-

                      Type of Service                                     Benefit Description

         Preventive Services                          Oral Exams, Cleanings, X-rays, Sealants, Fluoride Treatment

                                                      Fillings, Simple Extractions, Space Maintainers, Oral Surgery,
         Basic Services
                                                      General Anesthesia, Endodontics and Periodontics
         Major Services                               Crowns, Bridges, Dentures, Inlays & Onlays and Implants

         Annual Maximum                               Applies January 1 to December 31

         Orthodontia                                  Only applies to children under age 19

         NOTE: This is only a brief overview. Please see the Benefit Summary for more details.

         Website:  or Customer Service : 877-816-3596

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