Page 2 - National Door_Benefit Guide 2021
P. 2

Our employees are our

                                          most valuable asset.

         National Door Industries, Inc. is committed to a comprehensive benefit program that helps
         our employees stay healthy and feel secure while maintaining a quality work/life balance.

         National Door Industries, Inc. is pleased to renew this year’s major medical with the same

         benefits as last year to meet your individual needs for yourself and family.  We offer TWO
         Voluntary  Dental Plan options with Humana Dental. Both dental plans have NO ANNUAL
         Maximum.  Our  benefit  package  also  includes  voluntary  vision,  and  life/AD&D.  We  pay
         100% for 24/7 TeleHealth doctor phone or computer access through HealthiestYou for you
         and your dependents. HealthiestYou is a free resource, but you must sign up for it. National

         Door  Industries,  Inc.  provides  all  of  our  full-time  employees  with  a  basic  life/AD&D  policy
         and we pay 100% of the premium.

         Please retain a copy of this guide in order to review coverage benefits, cost information,
         and  retain  necessary  contact  information.  This  booklet  will  not  serve  as  an  ID  card  or
         verification  of  benefits  at  a  provider’s  office,  but  can  provide  assistance  if  needed.  For
         additional contact numbers and information, please refer to page 25.

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