Page 3 - 2024 Premier Pools and Spas Benefit Guide FINAL JTM
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Important Information
The intent of our benefit guide is to briefly highlight your benefits and NOT to replace your insurance
contracts or booklets. The information has been compiled into summary form to outline the benefits
offered by your company. If this benefit guide does not address your specific benefit questions,
please refer to the Contact Information on page 10 of this booklet. The contact page will provide
you with the information you need to contact the specific insurance carriers and/or Human Re-
sources Department for additional assistance. The information provided in this summary is for com-
parative purposes only. Actual claims paid are subject to the specific terms and conditions of
each policy contract. This benefit guide does not constitute SBC’s, policy or contract.
Who is Eligible?
If you are a full-time employee, working a minimum of 30 hours per week, you are eligible to enroll in the ben-
efits described in this guide. New employees are eligible on the first of the month following 30 Days from Date
of Hire. The following family members are eligible for medical, dental, and vision benefits: spouses and de-
pendent children (see benefit page for age requirements).
When to Enroll
All employees are required to complete the New Hire Enrollment
Application either enrolling or declining coverage during the first
month of employment and once a year during the Annual Open
Enrollment. Open Enrollment is in February for a March 1st effective
date. For more information please reach out to our Insurance Advisor,
Casey Oliveira. Her contact information is on Page 10.
Can I make changes during the plan year?
Yes, you have HIPAA Special Enrollment Rights. To review these rights, please refer to page 18.
Individuals are still required to have medical unless you have qualified
waivers as mandated by current law. The penalty fine for not having
coverage ends January 1, 2019.
Please note that all medical plans offered by Premier Pools and Spas exceed the minimum value
standards for health coverage according to the Affordable Care Act.