Page 10 - Letterpress 2020 Benefit Guide_Revised 9-25-2020
P. 10

Dental Option:

        Dental Select

                    2020 Rate Per Pay Period                               Dependent Information

                Employee Only                $ 15.38          Letterpress  Graphics,  Inc.  offers  employees  the
                                                              opportunity  to  cover  their  dependent  children.
                Employee + Spouse            $ 37.30          Children can join or remain on a parent’s dental plan
                                                              until age 26.
                Employee + Child(ren)        $ 40.54
                                                              When a child turns 26, they will lose dental coverage
                Employee + Family            $ 59.66          on the last day of their birth month.

                                                                        (In-Network) Amount Paid
                        Type of Service
                                                                 Out of Network is Paid @ 90% of R&C

         Preventive Services                              Covered at 100%; No Deductible
         Basic Services                                   Covered at 80% after Calendar Year Deductible

         Major Services                                   Covered at 50% after Calendar Year Deductible

         Discount Vision Benefit through (EyeMed)         Cost vary by services. Must see In-Network Providers
         Calendar Year Deductible                         $50 Individual / $150 Family

         Annual Maximum                                   $1,500 per person
         Waiting Periods  New Hires or Open Enrollment    NONE

                        Type of Service                                    Benefit Description

                                                          Routine Exams, Cleanings (2 per year), X-rays, Fluoride
         Preventive Services
                                                          Amalgam and Composite Fillings, Simple Extractions, Space
         Basic Services                                   Maintainers, Oral Surgery, General Anesthesia, Endodontics,
                                                          Crowns, Bridges, Dentures, Inlays & Onlays and Implants
         Major Services
         Annual Maximum                                   Applies January 1 to December 31

        NOTE: This is only a brief overview. Please see Benefit Summary more details.
        Website: or Customer Service : 800-999-9789

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