Page 109 - PARAMETER B
P. 109

2x2 or
                                                                                               Passport size
                                              IFUGAO STATE UNIVERSITY                             photo
                                          Potia Campus, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao
                                            Guidance and Counseling Service

        Direction: Please complete this inventory as accurately as you can. The purpose of collecting information
        is to be of assistance to you in making choices and decisions. All information which you provided about
        yourself will be treated confidentially.
        `                                                                                      Date: ______
        I. INDIVIDUAL APPRAISAL FORM (Guidance Form 1)
        Name ____________________________________________   Course/Year: _______________
               Last Name            First Name              Middle Name      Civil Status:  _______________
        Sex: ______ Birth Date: _____ Birth Place: _______________ Religion:  __________________
        Home Address: ______________________  Boarding Address: __________________________
        Name of Landlady/Landlord: ___________________________

                                                   Father                                  Mother
        Name:                            __________________________   __________________________
        Highest Educational Attainment: ________________________________   ________________________________
        Approximate Annual Family Income: _____________________________
        If NOT living with Parents, Name of Guardian: _____________________ Relationship: ______________________
        Who is financially supporting you in your studies? _____________________________
        Marital Status of Parents: _____ living together in the Philippines   _____ living together but one working abroad
                                  _____ both working abroad              _____ separated w/o having each a family
                                  _____ separated with other families    _____ living with other than parents

        Name of Brothers and Sisters including yourself (in birth order)
                         Name                      Age           School (if enrolled)             Occupation

        The person in the family you are very close and confident with:  Father: _____, Mother:  _____
                                                                                Sister:  _____, Brother: _____

        How do you describe your relation with: (Please Check)    Very Close       Just OK     better than not
                                                   Father            _____         _____            _____
                                                   Mother            _____         _____            _____
                                                   Sisters           _____              _____               _____
                                                   Brothers          _____              _____               _____

                       Name of School               Inclusive Years    Honors Obtained   Extra/Co-Curricular Activities
                                                    Of Attendance
        Elementary _________________________  ____________        ______________       ________________________
        Secondary __________________________ ____________     ______________           ________________________
        Senior High School________________________  _____________      ________________          ___________________________
        Other Schools Attended ____________________ _____________      ________________   ___________________________
        Grade Point Average in Senior High School: _____    Highest Final Grade: _____    Lowest Final Grade: _____
        Favorite subject in High School: _______________________ Least liked subject: _____________________
        Inclinations: _____ performing arts  _____ sports _____ class leadership
        Interests: _____ religious groupings; _____ creative arts; _____ Acting; _____ Singing; _____ Dancing;
                 _____ Oration/Declamation; _____ others.

        Course Preferences: 1 choice _____________ 2 Choice  ___________ 3 Choice ___________
        Reason(s) for these preference? (Please check) _____ personal choice _____ parents’ choice
                                                                                       _____ suggested by others
        Reason (s) for choosing IFSU Potia Campus: ________________________________________________
        How are you supported in your studies? (Please check) _____ parents   _____ relatives  ______ self-
        supporting_____ scholarship. ( If through scholarship, pls. specify) _______________________________
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