Page 117 - PARAMETER B
P. 117

It is a sign of   VISION

 STRENGTH to seek for

 To develop well-integrated individuals
 HELP     in understanding oneself, adjusting to
 situations and eventualities, planning,
    making decisions and becoming effec-
 tive members of the society.
 When you are confused and
 there are things   MISSION

 you want to   It aims to effectively discharge its
 know……….    functions through proper implementa-
 tion of the different services it pro-     GUIDANCE
    vides and to continually work for

    the improvement of the program
 and the services being rendered to              Services
 When you are troubled and   its clienteles.

 feeling sad, depressed, hope-

    We listen


 When you are happy and you
 can’t contain              We care
 Caption describing picture or graphic.
 it……….                                                 Contact us!

                                           Email address

 Come visit us and let us be               Facebook Page:
 of help to you                                  IFSU Potia Guidance Center
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