P. 41

•    me
     t     . •:This includes according the
                                            shall ensure the same rights of women and men
     same promotional privileges and opportuni
                                            to: enter into and leave marriages, freely
     ties as their men counterpart, Including pay
                                            choose a spouse, decide on the number and
     increases, additional benefits, and awards,
                                            spacing of their children, enjoy personal rights
     based on competency and quality of perform  Including the choice of a profession, own, ac
     ance. The dignity of women In the military,
                                            quire, and administer their property, and ac
     police and other similar services shall always  quire, change, or retain their nationality. It also
     be respected, they shall be accorded with the  states that the betrothal and marriage of a child
     same capacity as men to act In and enter into  shall have no legal effect [DSWD, DOH, POP-
     contracts, Including marriage, as well as be  COM, Supreme Court, DOJ, IBP, LCUs].
     entitled to leave benefits for women such as
     maternity leave, as provided for In existing  The Magna Carta of Women also guarantees
     laws [DND, DILC, PNPA, PPSC, DOJ, PMA, OCS,  the civil, political and economic rights of
     UGUs];                                 women in the marginalized sectors, particularly
                                            their right to:
     I'.to                                  •Food securitv r^^^ resources for to^d oro-
     raise the consciousness of the general public  duction, including equal rights In the titling
     In recognizing the dignity of women and the  of the land and Issuance of stewardship
     role and contribution of women in family,
                                               contracts and patents [Implementing Agen
     community, and the society through the stra
                                               cies: DA, BFAR, NFARMC, DA-BPRE ,DA-ATI,
     tegic use of mass media [OPS, NTC, MTRCB,  PFDA.NDA, DOSTITDI, DTI, FDA, DOE, DAR,
     FAP, FDCP, OMB, NCCA, women's media       DENR, DOT, DPWH, LRA, NCIP.TESDA,
     NCOs, LGUs];
                                               NCIP, SUCs/HEIs, LCUs];
                                            •Lctcc-cd. acres .s^n, se^ure and rCfr^d-
                                               afch  ,k>u<--c--:   (HUDCC, NHA, HCC, NHMFC,
                              cover            SHFC, HLURB, HDMF, PCUP, LCUs);
    ing all stages of a woman's life cycle, and  5 Decent wniK .t-:c.d:-:rds including creation
    which addresses the major causes of
                                              of jobs in acceptable conditions of free
    women's mortality and morbidity, including  dom, equity, security and human dignity
    access to among others, maternal care, re  [DOLE, POEA, OWWA, DTI, DFA CSC, NAPC,
    sponsible, ethical, legal, safe and effective  LCUs];
    methods of family planning, and encouraging
    healthy lifestyle activities to prevent diseases  •Employment, livelihood, credit, capital and
                                               technology [DOLE, DOF, DTI, DOST,
    [DOH, DepEd, CHEO, PhllHealth, DOLE, LCUs,]
                                              DSWD, DA, DOF, DAR, DENR , TESDA,
   I* of two (:) months                       NAPC, NCIP,BSP, PCFC, CFIs, MFIs, TRC and
   I with full pay based on gross monthly compen  other BSOs, CSIS, SSS];
                                           •sv-Ms traini—.c. sch^larships, especially in
    sation, for women employees who undergo
                                              research and development aimed towards
    surgery caused by gynecological disorders,
    provided that they have rendered continuous  women friendly farm technology [DOLE
                                              and its attached agencies and other con
    aggregate employment service of at least six
    (6) months for the last twelve(i2) months  cerned offices];
    (CSC, DOLE); and
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