P. 73

Part Five – Student Manual

            9.7.14. Posting, distributing  Removal of posted   6-15 days suspension    1 semester  Dismissal
                   or dissemination of  materials and       and promissory note    suspension
                   notices,   posters,  confiscation of
                   leaflets,          distributed materials
                   broadsheets,       with  reprimand and a
                   questionnaire,     letter of apology
                   streamers, surveys,
                   pop    sheets   or
                   similar   materials
                   without      prior
                   approval  by  the
                   OSSD     or   any
                   university official.
            9.7.15. Bringing lewd,    Confiscation of       Confiscation and of   1 semester  Dismissal
                   indecent, and      pornographic materials  pornographic materials  suspension
                   pornographic       and  10 days          and 20 days suspension
                   materials in the   suspension            with a promissory note
                   campus. Viewing    with a letter of apology
                   pornography through
                   electronic media in
            9.7.16.   Posting   lewd,   10 days suspension    20 days suspension with 1 semester  Dismissal
                   indecent     and   with a letter of apology  a promissory note    suspension
                   materials  in  any
            9.7.17.  Possession,  selling, 1-10  days  suspension 11-30 days suspension  1 semester  Dismissal
                   and         drinking and letter of apology    and promissory note    suspension
                   intoxicating   liquor
                   within the campus
            9.7.18. Under the influence  3 days suspension and  11-30 days suspension  1 semester  Dismissal
                   of  liquor/prohibited  a letter of apology    and promissory note    suspension
                   drugs  within  the
                   campus premises

            9.7.19.  Possession,  selling, 1 semester suspension  Dismissal
                   using   or    taking and letter of apology
                   prohibited    drugs
                   within the campus


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