Page 121 - year book 2023-24
P. 121


                                                  The past is the past for a reason,
                                                 That is where it is supposed to stay.
                                                     But some cannot let it go,
                                                     In their heads it eats away.

                                                      Let your eyes wander,
                                                    To all the beauty to be seen.
                                                  If those toxic thoughts you still
                                                           Do ponder,
                                                      Then let out a scream.

                                                   Scream until the pain is gone,
                                                   Until you no longer feel afraid.
                                                  Open your eyes to a new dawn,
                                                       Let the darkness fade.

                                               Lift your head, bring your smiles back.
                                                    Paint your world with colour
                                                         Instead of black.
                                                  Undo your lies, make them true.
                                                 Don't let your anger take over you.

                                                 Open your eyes, what do you see?
                                                    There's so many things that
                                                          You could be.
                                              If instead of thinking, you actually tried.
                                                And forget about the tears you cried.

                                               You could be living in a world of hope.
                                                And letting go, learning how to cope.
                                               With everything life throws your way,
                                                  And living your fullest everyday.

                                               You can learn all this if you only if you
                                                   It only matters what perfect is
                                                           In your eyes.

                                                                                                                             Anandhi. M. K

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