Page 86 - year book 2023-24
P. 86

Health Camp

           A  medical  camp  was  conducted  by
           Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain Medical Centre
           (managed  by  RR  Hospitals)  for  the
           students of SBSM. The camp was held at
           the  Senior  Tal  Auditorium  from  9am  to
           2pm on July 28th 2023.

           230 students from Class 1 were attended
           to  by  General  Paediatricians  Dr  Shruthi
           and Dr Vasanth. Dentists Dr Saranya and

           Dr Balaji checked the dental health of 215
           &  221  students  of  classes  4  &  5
           respectively. 218   students of class 7 had
           t h e i r   e y e s i g h t s   c h e c k e d   b y
           Ophthalmologist  Dr  Koushik,  while
           Gynaecologist  Dr  Pavithra  attended  to

           100 students of class 11.

           In  total,  984  students  received  valuable
           medical advice and were able to have their

           health checked by qualified doctors. The
           camp was well-organized and the doctors
           were professional and approachable. The
           prescriptions  and  suggestions  of  the
           doctors were written on a slip and given to
           the students.

           We  thank  the  school  management  for
           organising this medical camp.

           ii)  Resource  Person:  Ms.  Priti  from  Thalir
           Date: 23  June, 2023
           Venue: Senior Tal Auditorium
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