Page 9 - year book 2023-24
P. 9

Shri. Kishan Srisrimal Jain


                "The important thing is to  not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason
                for existing." - Albert Einstein
                This edition of “Pallav" embodies the spirit of SBSM, where curiosity ignites a
                lifelong love of learning. We celebrate academic excellence alongside the
                diverse  talents  nurtured  within  our  walls,  thanks  in  large  part  to  the
                dedicated guidance of our teachers.
                Students have consistently excelled in both academics and extracurricular
                activities.  From  building  award-winning  robots  to  securing  victories  in

                interschool  competitions  and  showcasing  their  talents  in  intra-school
                events, our students demonstrate their boundless potential.
                These pages showcase these achievements – a testament to the dedication
                of our faculty and the boundless potential of our students. From insightful
                articles to captivating artwork, “Pallav" reflects the collaborative spirit that
                defines our school.
                A special thank you to the tireless Editorial Team for bringing this vibrant

                collection to life.
                Dear students, embrace the opportunities within these pages – a testament
                to your brilliance. May your school life be a journey of exploration, laughter,
                and lifelong learning.
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