Page 98 - year book 2023-24
P. 98


                    1.   (b)     Reducto is the strongest explosion charm.

                    2.   (c)     Viktor Krum played Quidditch for Belgium.
                    3.   (b)     Felicious Felix is the luck potion

                    4.   (b)     Arthur Weasley works at the Department of International Magical Cooperation
                    5.   (c)     Ron's Patronus is a weasel.

                    About This Quiz

                     Can you name these Harry Potter locations?

                     1.Harry, Ron and Hermione fly out of this building on a dragon in "The Deathly Hallows."

                     2.What's the name of the town next to Hogwarts that the students are allowed to visit?

                     3.You can get a butterbeer or firewhiskey at this Hogsmeade pub.
                     4.This village was the site of Voldemort's fatal attack on the Potter family.

                     5.Where did Voldemort grow up?

                     6.Voldemort and the Death Eaters used this home as a base in "The Deathly Hallows."

                     7.Dobby rescued the owner of this shop from being tortured by Voldemort at Malfoy Manor.
                      8.Where did Ollivander go to recover from the ordeal?

                     9.What's the address of the Dursley's house?

                  Answer :

                     1.  a       Gringott's                  2.      b.     Hogsmeade
                     3.  a.      Three Broomsticks           4.      c.     Godric's Hollow
                     5.  c       .Little Hangleton           6.      a.     Malfoy Manor
                     7.  a.      Ollivanders                 8.      a.     Shell Cottage

                     9.  b.      No. 4 Privet Drive          10.     a.     Little Whinging
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