Page 63 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
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assistance, we are truly grateful to the ECE and
to all the donor countries and organizations
for their invaluable support. Kyrgyzstan and
the ECE have extensive cooperation in such
areas as environmental policy, water and
energy, trade and transport, land and housing
management, urban development.
The ECE and the United Nations Economic The very nature of all these organizations is
and Social Commission for Asia and the intended to make sure that their activities
Pacific (ESCAP) also provide great support have a direct effect on all members nations
to the activities of the United Nations Special and their populations.
Programme for the Economies of Central Asia This is especially valid for Kyrgyzstan, as my
(SPECA). This programme was launched in country has engaged in close cooperation
1998 to strengthen sub-regional cooperation with the United Nations and its agencies from
in Central Asia and its integration into the the first days of its independence. We have
world economy. The countries of the SPECA very active and wide partnership with all
are Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Geneva-based United Nations organizations.
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and With assistance from their numerous country
Uzbekistan. and regional projects, Kyrgyzstan has been
able to carry out reforms and policies aimed
The United Nations recently celebrated its at strengthening the economy, modernizing
seventy-fifth anniversary. What has been the health and social sectors, ensuring food
influence of the United Nations in Geneva, security, protecting human rights, developing
and more specifically its specialized agencies, new technologies, protecting the environment
on the life of people in your country since its etc. These are the very areas that have a direct
independence? and real influence on the daily lives of people of
Kyrgyzstan joined the United Nations on 2 Kyrgyzstan. Almost all leading Geneva-based
March 1992, during the 46th session of the United Nations organizations have country
United Nations General Assembly. From the offices in Kyrgyzstan. One can see the United
very beginning, Kyrgyzstan has consistently Nations flag in all corners of my country, for
regarded the United Nations as the most the United Nations has become an essential
authoritative and universal international part in the lives of Kyrgyz citizens.
organization, whose main objectives are Yet Kyrgyzstan is not just the recipient of
fundamental for humankind: solving assistance from the United Nations system. As
problems of peace and security, encouraging a strong champion of multilateralism and an
and ensuring friendly relations among nations, advocate of global partnership in coping with
supporting cooperation on development outstanding world challenges and problems,
issues, poverty reduction, promotion and my country has always been keen to take
protection of human rights, environment action on many issues. Kyrgyzstan has always
protection, fighting against diseases, and many wanted to make its contribution to the global
other challenges and problems for humanity. agenda. To this end, Kyrgyzstan has been the
The 75 years of the United Nations have clearly author or supporter of many global initiatives
shown that there is no alternative to this global at the United Nations level. For example,
organization despite its shortcomings. The Kyrgyzstan initiated and received the United
current global challenges and problems only Nations members’ support for the following
reinforce the purpose of the United Nations global actions: several United Nations
as a global platform for cooperation and General Assembly resolutions on mountains;
partnership. the resolution “World Day of Social Justice”,
the resolution “The role of the international
These global issues and goals are the mandated community in averting the radiation threat
area of the United Nations agencies in Geneva. in Central Asia” and many others. Currently,
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h