Page 20 - DIVA_1_2014
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As a young and independent country, Taking this opportunity I would like to Republic of Armenia, accompanied by
we see the great opportunities here invite you and your staff, as well as the the flow of more than 1 million Azer-
in Geneva for promoting the culture wider audience of Diva International baijani internally displaced persons
and life of Azerbaijan within the to attend the opening ceremony and to and refugees. During those years we
international community. Inter- visit the exhibition itself. were considerably assisted by the
national Geneva provides vast potential United Nations and its specialized
for making my country known to an Q. Azerbaijan is already emer- agencies. If there had been no aid from
international audience. The relevance ging as a donor country in the the international community at that
and importance of the Geneva-based international arena. What is time, a humanitarian disaster in Azer-
international organizations should the rationale behind the foreign baijan would have been inevitable.
also be mentioned in that regard. This humanitarian assistance of your However, today, thanks to the growing
year our Permanent Mission was the country and what are its main economic potential and achievements
leading organizer for the event called directions? of Azerbaijan, problems faced by IDPs
the International Day of Novruz held and refugees are fully addressed by our
in the Palais des Nations. Further- The accomplishments that I mentio- Government.
more, Azerbaijan participated in May ned above have enabled Azerbaijan to
2013 in the collective exhibition entit- become an emerging donor country As an emerging donor country, we
led "The urban landscape in contem- and contribute to the sustainable fully understand the importance of
porary European painting" sponsored development efforts of countries in international humanitarian assistance
by the Council of Europe and also held Africa, Asia and Latin America. This and our efforts in that regard are an
in the United Nations Office in Geneva. is a totally new chapter in the history expression of our sincere gratitude
In November 2013 we were involved in of Azerbaijan and its activities on the towards the international community.
the UN Annual Bazaar with our natio- international arena. The Azerbaijan As a donor country Azerbaijan also
nal stand and contributed to the cha- International Development Agency possesses considerable knowledge
rity fund for children affected by the (AIIDA) has already carried out various and experience in the prevention of
recent typhoon in the Philippines. In assistance programmes in more than emergency situations and disaster
April 2014, in cooperation with the twenty countries. The Heydar Aliyev risk reduction. In that regard, we are
International Dialogue for Environ- Foundation has provided various hu- fully aware of the need to share this
mental Action campaign initiated by manitarian and social programmes in knowledge and experience with other
Mrs Leyla Aliyeva, the Vice-President its turn. needy members of the international
of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the community.
Mission will organize an exhibition at Furthermore, the Government of the
the United Nations Office in Geneva Republic of Azerbaijan makes volun- Q. Azerbaijan is becoming a ma-
entitled "Children's Eyes on Earth: tary annual contributions to the inter- jor player in the energy security
International Youth Photo Exhibi- national organizations based in Gene- of Europe. What is your assess-
tion". This will be a landmark event va, such as the Office of the High Com- ment of the energy policy of your
to raise awareness about important missioner for Human Rights, the Office country?
environmental issues, as seen through of the High Commissioner for Refu-
the eyes of the children. The exhibition gees, the International Committee of Over recent years, Azerbaijan ma-
will display the photographs by child- the Red Cross, the UN Conference on naged to ensure its energy security and
ren all over the world on the themes Trade and Development, International eliminate its dependence on foreign
"I Love Nature and I Fear Pollution", Telecommunication Union and others. energy sources. Currently, Azerbaijan
sharing their experiences and helping During the first years of independence is a country contributing to the energy
promote an understanding of some we faced a great deal of suffering as security of both the region and Europe
of the challenges facing our planet. a result of armed aggression by the at large and an important player in the
18 International