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with the workers. This solidari-  Decent Work (2004), ed. by   tional institutions will be vigi-
                                     ty must be present whenever it is   Dominique Peccoud of the   lant about the effects for the
                                     called for by the social degrad-  International Labour Office,   world's workers of the global
                                     ing of the subject of work, by   with participation of the World   trade agreements reached in
                                     exploitation of the workers, and   Council of Churches and others,   Geneva on I August 2004.
                                     by the growing areas of poverty   is the result of extensive consul-  Hailed as "truly historic", the
                                     and even hunger." Two ILO   tations and international work-  Agreement by 147 member
                                                      French,  shop discussions amongst par-
                                     publications, 	                                  states of the World Trade
                                     Dossiers I and II (ed. by Louis   ticipants from different reli-  Organization sets a framework
                                     Christiaens, 1992) produce the   gious, social and other back-  towards removing distortions in
                                                                                      global trade and for continuing
            1982. For example, the encycli-  social and moral writings over   grounds. It presents a practical
                                                                                      negotiations to establish new
            cal Laborem Exercens issued by   historical periods. They encom-  and inclusive approach to the
                                                                                      rules on fair trade. Welcomed
            Pope John Paul II on 15   pass a collection of scholarly   many views on the moral and
                                                                                      as evidence that multilateral
            September 1981 is essentially   texts with extensive references   social dimensions of inclusion
                                                                                      organizations like the WTO can
            devoted to human work and   to historical social and moral   in, or exclusion from, the world
                                                                                      be effective, any future endeav-
            even more, to man in the vast   teachings that relate to man and   of work. It adds to the bigger
                                                                                      ours cannot afford to ignore the
                                             They also include
            context of the reality of work.   work.
                                                             and wider debate of man's place
                                                                                      question of social and worker
            Whether the economic system is   extracts from statements and   in the social order along with
                                                                                      dimension of global trade.
            capitalist or socialist, he states,   debates from many of the tripar-  the fundamental right to decent
            "it is always man who is the   tite meetings and conferences of   work regardless of wealth,
            purpose of work." The pope   the ILO highlighting crucial   class, race or creed. The effect
                                                                                      All sources of information and
            discusses just remuneration for   issues on the moral and social   of any form of exclusion is
                                                                                      material used are acknowledged
            work, the rights of unions, the   dimensions of human work that   humiliating to personal dignity
                                                                                      in the preparation of this article.
            rights and responsibilities of   carry forward into the twenty-  leading to social degradation of
            management, roles of women,  first century.      the human being.
            workers with disabilities and   An ecumenical approach   Social and worker dimen-
            other labour questions. 'There is                sion of global trade
            a need for ever new movements   A book entitled Philosophical
            of solidarity of the workers and   and spiritual perspectives on   National, regional and interna-
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