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                   and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan   “it is important to note that
                   to the Swiss Confederation.
                                                          tajikistan ranks 8th in terms of
                   Before  my  arrival  in  Geneva,  I  served  as  the
                   Deputy  Minister  of  Foreign  Affairs,  focusing   hydroelectric resources...”
                   on Economic and Consular Affairs. I also held
                   the  position  of  First  Deputy  Chairman  of  the
                   State  Committee  on  Investments  and  State
                   Property  Management,  where  I  worked  on
                   attracting  foreign  investments  and  managing   resources,  and  our  nation  is  at  the  forefront
                   public  investment  projects  with  international   of  championing  the  green  economy,  with  a
                   financial  institutions.  I  also  led  the  Secretariat   remarkable 98% of our electricity generated by
                   of  the  Consultative  Council  on  Improvement   hydropower plants.
                   of  Investment  Climate  under  the  President
                   of  Tajikistan,  facilitating  dialogue  between   Indeed, 60% of the water resources of Central
                   the  public  and  private  sectors  to  advocate  for   Asia are located in Tajikistan. The total length of
                   economic reforms.                      the rivers is more than 30 thousand kilometres.
                                                          There  are  more  than  1300  lakes  with  a  total
                   With  over  20  years  of  experience  in  public   area of 705 square kilometres. The glaciers are
                   sector and public finance reform projects, I have   a  source  of  clean  and  fresh  water,  and  these
                   built  strong  partnerships  with  governments,   resources  play  a  crucial  role  in  ensuring  the
                   international  organizations,  and  the  private   sustainable  development  of  Tajikistan  and  the
                   sector.  I  represented  several  countries  on  the   region.  The  largest  glacier  outside  the  polar
                   Board  of  Directors  of  the  Asian  Development   region is Vanjyakh (formerly Fedchenko), which
                   Bank  Headquarters  in  Manila,  Philippines,   is about 70 square kilometres long and covers an
                   and was the first Director of the Public-Private   area of about 900 square kilometres.
                   Partnership Center of Tajikistan.
                   I hold an MBA from the Ateneo Graduate School   The impact on the planet’s water resources is one
                   of Business in Manila, Philippines, and diplomas   of the most important aspects of global climate
                   in  Economics  and  Customs  Affairs  from  Tajik   change. It is a matter of concern that drinking
                   National  University  and  Tajik  Tax  and  Law   water  resources  and  their  quality  are  getting
                   University, respectively.              scarce on a daily basis. Addressing such issues is
                                                          deemed to be vital in different parts of the world,
                   Your  country  has  a  strategic  and  geographic   where  water  is  the  basis  for  socio-economic
                   position  in  the  heart  of  the  Silk  Road.  Your   development.
                   abundant water resources make you a blue jewel,
                   as Tajikistan is sometimes called. Could you tell   My  country  is  no  exception  when  it  comes  to
                   us a little more about it?             climate change and its negative impacts on the
                   Needless to say, Tajikistan is located at the western   country, including exposure to extreme events.
                   tip of the Himalayas in the heart of Central Asia   Water resources are mainly affected by natural
                   and lies on the important historical route of the   disasters  such  as  floods,  and  mudflows,  which
                   Silk Road connecting the East and the West. Its   further  impact  agriculture  and  therefore  the
                   mountains and high peaks are a defining symbol   entire water sector.
                   of the country’s uniqueness in the region, which
                   is rich in freshwater resources in its rivers, lakes,   Given the fact that water is essential for the survival
                   and  glaciers.  These  water  resources  not  only   and productivity of all life and ecosystems almost
                   provide sustenance for agriculture and industry,   all spheres of human activity are closely connected
                   but  also  offer  opportunities  for  hydropower   to it. Therefore, water is a fundamental element
                   generation,  contributing  to  Tajikistan’s  energy   that helps the world and regions to restore their
                   production  and  overall  sustainable  economic   capacities to cope with the current climate change
                   development.  It  is  important  to  note  that   and its consequences, and to be more resilient in
                   Tajikistan  ranks  8   in  terms  of  hydroelectric   the face of a future threats.

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