Page 185 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 185

Bringing the Concept to Life

                  6. Three  years  ago,  the  UN Secretariat  -  the  executive  arm  of  the
               Organization  -  started  the  re-evaluation  of its priorities  and  a  radical
               restructuring, overstretching of its resources in an attempt to do more with less.
               However, the enhancement of the work of the Secretariat is just one side of the
               UN reform.  The  other  which  is  much  more  important  is  the  reform  of  the
               pattern of interaction among the UN Member States. Multilateral negotiations
               within the  UN  should  become  much  faster,  more  democratic  and  efficient.
               There is also plenty of room for the improvement and refining of the decision-
               making procedures. The relations between the main UN organs such as the
               Security Council and the General Assembly need to be streamlined and the
               functions  of  some  of  them  reconsidered.  Responsibility  should  become  a
               catchword for collective actions of the UN Member States. The sooner they
               undertake this measures the better it will be for the UN.

                  7. Today, the world and accordingly the UN had entered unchartered and
               dangerous waters of a transitional period. Still there is a hope and in fact a good
               chance for the World Organization to overcome its present difficulties. This
               belief is based, first of all, on the fact that the world needs the UN. The growing
               economic interdependence and social and cultural cross-penetration makes it
               imperative to maintain a mechanism for worldwide cooperation in dealing with
               a wide-range of global issues. There is a growing understanding that the United
               Nations is a safety net which can minimize the damaging effect of the change.
               As the UN Secretary-General, Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali said recently in San
               Francisco, “We are the custodians of the dream of global cooperation. We will
               not let it perish. As long as people seek national identities; as long as people
               seek protection from aggression; and as long as people yearn for a better world
               for their children, the United Nations will endure, and it will succeed.”

                  8. The most important fact is that the UN knows where to go and what to
               do - it has the vision of the future. The international system of the future which
               the World Organization is striving to implement will be based on the “Triad of
               Survival”  formulated  by  the Secretary-General  -  peace,  development and
               democracy. As far as peace is concerned, the current modest achievements in
               the field of collective action on conflict prevention and resolution, as well as on
               arms limitation and disarmament will further develop into a cooperative system
               of security.

                  9. This system  will  have  three  major  dimensions.  Firstly,  it is  common
               security which means that no State can be secure at the expense of the other.
               Secondly,  it  is  comprehensive security which covers  not  only traditional,

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