Page 213 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 213
Bringing the Concept to Life
setbacks. But let us not lose sight of the successes that include Cambodia, El
Salvador, Haiti, Mozambique and Namibia. As the Secretary-General has
“There is no reason for frustration or pessimism. More progress has been
made in the past few years towards using the United Nations as it was
designed to be used than many could ever have predicted."
The United Nations works throughout the world developing and
implementing programmes, projects and policies designed to make our world a
better place. The UN has moved beyond a desire for peaceful coexistence to
recognizing the need to undertake common action. With its experience,
qualified personnel and worldwide “Internet”, the United Nations despite its
limited material resources is able to channel this transition to a new united
world in a non-violent and democratic manner, to minimize the damaging
effects that accompany change.
International Youth Non-Governmental Organizations are an excellent
example of the important role young people - tomorrow's leaders - can and
must play in charting the future path of the United Nations. I trust that these
proceedings will prove to be an enriching experience and I look forward to
learning of your progress. Many of you have travelled great distances to take
part in these proceedings and I ask all of you to share your experiences and
your ideas with others upon returning to your communities. For those of you
who will be in Geneva on 15 October 1995, I would like to cordially invite you
to return with your family and friends to the Palais des Nations to attend an
“Open House” and join with us in commemorating the 50th Anniversary.
You have before you an excellent opportunity to affect the necessary
changes in our world.