Page 253 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 253

Bringing the Concept to Life

               a maritime nation and third in telecommunication facilities, while it is one of
               the top countries in the world in the ratio of university graduates to population.
               It  is  obvious that  without the  UN  presence  such  results  could  hardly  be

                  25. Another  characteristic case  is  the UN  action in Cambodia.  The
               operation in this country was perhaps one of the largest and the most difficult
               to implement. After two decades of violent conflict and chaos, including the
               extraordinarily brutal rule of the Khmer  Rouge,  Cambodia  was completely
               devastated. The UN operation there - United Nations Transitional Authority
               in  Cambodia (UNTAC)  -  started  in  1991 after  the  signing  in  Paris  of  the
               Agreements  on  a  Comprehensive Political Settlement  of  the  Cambodia
               Conflict. Its objectives were both military and civilian.

                  26. UNTAC had to stabilize the security situation and build confidence
               among the parties to the conflict; verify the withdrawal from Cambodia of all
               categories of  foreign  forces;  supervise  the cease-fire;  confiscate caches  of
               weapons; and assist with mine-clearance. It also had to organize free and fair
               general elections. In practical terms UNTAC had to replace the collapsed local
               administrative and governmental structures and to exercise direct control over
               Cambodia's foreign affairs, national defence, finance, public security arid

                  27. Despite numerous problems the general elections in Cambodia were
               conducted and  the  Constituent Assembly began  its  work. The mandate
               entrusted  to  UNTAC  was  concluded  on  24  September  1993.  On  that  date,
               Cambodia became a constitutional monarchy and an independent, sovereign,
               peaceful, neutral and non-aligned State.

                  28. It will take Cambodia many years to overcome all the consequences of
               the  war. However,  the  UN  had laid  the  basis  for  the  reconstruction  of  the
               country and, as a result today, from the business point of view, Cambodia is a
               very  busy place.  The  recent review  of  minerals  in  Cambodia  confirms
               investigations carried out earlier indicating the existence of significant mineral
               deposits  in  this  country which include  sapphires,  rubies,  alluvial cassiterite,
               silica, bauxite, manganese, kaolin coal, lignite, and phosphorate. A number of
               large  foreign companies, in  particular  American  and  Japanese,  have  already
               started their operations in Cambodia. The United States alone are represented
               by 91 companies which are involving in import-export, services, construction,
               oil exploration and manufacturing. There are now 25 foreign commercial banks
               in Cambodia including one British, one French, and one Australian.

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