Page 320 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 320


                Geneva   Three Dimensional Center of
               Preventive and Peace Building Activities

                                    November 1998

          F         or more than a century Geneva has  been  associated with
                    international cooperation. It has remained as a major pole of the
                    international system since it was designated as the headquarters for
          the  world's  first  international organization,  the  League  of  Nations  in  1919.
          Nowadays,  it  is  the  seat of  the  UN Office at Geneva,  five  UN  specialized
          agencies and  15 other  UN  organizations,  it  also  hosts numerous non-UN
          international entities. In recent years in the course of United Nations reform,
          the role of Geneva in the UN system has been renewed. It is now considered as
          a global rather than Eurocentric center with the considerable advantage of an
          advantageous geographical  location.  Geneva  has  strengthened  its  traditional
          and key role as a center for conference diplomacy and UN operational activities
          and has at the same time acquired new functions as the repository of “know-
          how”  in  a variety  of  fields. Thus, Geneva is a three-dimensional center  or
          triangle of UN crises-prevention and peace-building activities.

              Every year UNOG services about 7,500  international conferences and
          meetings - almost double the number held in New York at UN Headquarters.
          They range from technical sessions to assemblies and negotiations on major
          political, economic and social issues.  Some 80,000  people  from  all  over  the
          world attend these meetings annually and both their number and importance
          are increasing. Recently the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council
          held  two  meetings  at  Geneva  Headquarters  at  the  ministerial level. Further,
          some important political negotiations like  those  on  the  settlement  of  the
          conflict situation in Abkhazia, Georgia, have started and are regularly held in

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