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developing countries from inflows of  cotton from LDCs. Developed coun-  through "plurilateral agreements' as
          subsidized products. India continued  try members, and developing coun-  has been proposed during the Nairobi
          to play a leading role in advancing  try members declaring themselves in  Ministerial Meeting, is a way to step
          developing countries' interests, in-  a position to do so, shall grant, to the  out of multilateral commitments and
          cluding those of Africa.           extent provided for in their respective  single undertakings. If we add to this
                                             preferential trade arrangements in fa-  trend the increasing number of re-
          What does the text of the  vour ofLDCs, as from 1 January 2016."  gional trading agreements, a serious
          Ministerial Declaration say?       Reform of domestic cotton policies to  doubt might be raised on the future
          "We recognize that many Members  reduce trade distorting subsidies were  and the relevance of the World Trade
          reaffirm that the DDA, and the Dec-  acknowledged.                    Organization and of the Multilateral
          larations and Decisions adopted at  The language of the ministerial text is  Trading System (NITS). In fact, the
          the Doha and Ministerial Conferences  vague. It leaves a large margin for not  evolution of the Nairobi Conference
          held since then, and reaffirm full com-  taking any action in respect to duty-  has opened the way to a new round
          mitment to conclude the DDA on that  free quota-free cotton market access.  of negotiations. What that round will
          basis. Other Members do not reaf-  The SSM issue remains unsolved.  result in remains to be seen.
          firm the Doha mandates as they be-  Trade and development subsidies
          lieve new approaches are necessary to  are to be reduced by 2020. Fourteen  "I have a dream"
          achieve meaningful outcomes in mul-  years after the launching of the Doha  Any trade or economic analyst who
          tilateral negotiations. Members have  Round the stalemate remains. Sys-  has followed international relations,
          different  views on how to address the  temic disagreement on major issues  and trade negotiations in particular, is
          negotiations. We acknowledge                                               aware of challenges posed by a
          the strong legal structure of the                                          system based on a world where
          Organization."4                    "The increasing number                  economic wealth is shared
                                                 of regional trade                   unequally. Trade negotiations
          Paragraph 34 of the Declara-                                               mirror world economic imbal-
          tion also states that: "while we   agreements undermines                   ances. Unequal world power
          concur that officials should pri-    the relevance of the                  relations are embedded in the
          oritize work where results have                                            trade regime. Given the present
          not yet been achieved, some       World Trade Organization                 situation, the results can only
          wish to  identify  and discuss          and of the MTS."                   be scattered and chaotic. In
          other issues for negotiation;                                              fact, the reflection has now to
          others do not. Any decision to                                             be rather based on the follow-
          launch negotiations multilater-                                            ing question:
                                          NITS = Multilateral Trading System
          ally on such issues would need                                             • Can economic and welfare is-
          to be agreed by all Members."                                              sues still be tackled in the mul-
                                             between developing and developed  tilateral system?
          Progress on cotton market access re-  countries not only persists, but has  •  Looking for market access and
          mains limited. Duty-free and quota-  widened. Beyond the official enthu-  business opportunities in compliance
          free market access "to the extent pro-  siasm for the Declaration, in reality  with national interests remain a key
          vided for in their respective preferential  when one looks at the text carefully,  engine of trade negotiations. Can this
          trade arrangements in favour of LDCs,  in fact the DDA is not finalized and  be reconciled with development?
          as from 1 January 2016, duty-free and  the Doha Round as launched in 2001  • If the pursuit of self-interests is the
          quota-free market access for cotton  is dead.                         only way, where is this trend going
          produced and exported by LDCs. De-                                    to take the world? To what extent can
          veloping country members declaring  The whole idea of the "single undertak-  national interests be pursued on their
          themselves not in a position to grant  ing" has been jeopardized by the Nairo-  own?
          duty-free and quota-free market access  bi Declaration. Industrialized countries  • Does it mean that there is no more
          for cotton produced and exported by  have made it clear in the negotiations  space for solidarity?
          LDCs shall undertake, as from 1 Janu-  that if the DDA must be still relevant,
          ary 2016,  to consider the possibilities  that can only happen if new issues are  Although rationally, these answers
          for increased import opportunities for  taken up in the negotiations.   contain the replies in themselves, "I
                                                                                have a dream" that at one point the
                                             Including new issues on the agenda  world relations could change to result
          4 Paragraph 30 of the Draft Nai-   means to change the mandate of the  in a more peaceful world. At present,
          robi Ministerial Declaration, WT/   DDA. Furthermore, advancement  we are far from realizing my dream. •
          MIN(1 5)/W/33/Rev.3.

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